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Blue Floid -- overrated? which BLUE is best ...?

I have a big bottle of Floid Blue and I love it, but I find the Epsilon to be close enough in scent and just as good in performance. So, I say that I won't ever pay a big premium for Floid Blue again. Epsilon basically copied Floid's ingredients. I've read the labels carefully. The biggest difference for me is Epsilon has a little bit stronger fragrance. I will also probably keep some Barrister Reserve Cool around as long as it is available. It doesn't have any coloring added, so it isn't blue, but it smells very much like Floid Blue and Epsilon Blue Med. I find that it has a bit more menthol than the other two and some added skin food. If you get the Reserve Cool, always shake it well before using.

Trying to expand my horizon on “Blue” aftershaves that are reasonably easy to find on either side of the Atlantic; I found that Fine Accoutrements take on Blue is excessively lemon and alcohol forward (Do you want a “Blue” or a lemon after shave?), Epsilon “Blue Mediterranean” is nice but won’t last long, Razorock “Blue Barbershop” is nice but fleeting like Epsilon and Myrsol, while Myrsol after shave may be short-lived but is available as an Eau de Cologne (EdC) that has a lot more oomph.

So, after evaluating the “Blue” takes of Floïd*, Epsilon, Myrsol, RazoRock and Fine Accoutrements, Myrsol gets my vote because it is also available as an EdC, which adds the right amount of staying power to the lemon, menthol, fresh linen, powdery notes that I look for in a “Blue” after shave, without overwhelming the wearer with lemon or alcohol.

Searching for a “Blue” after shave, my ranking therefore is:

1.) Myrsol Blue after shave in combination with Myrsol Blue Eau de Cologne
2.) Epsilon Blue Mediterranean
3.) RazoRock Blue Barber
4.) Fine Accoutrements Barber Blue

Myrsol and Epsilon after shaves are about equal in my ranking, but ultimately I suggest Myrsol Blue because it will last longer, without being overpowering, when combined with the EdC, while Epsilon Blue Mediterranean looses a few points because not everyone cares for the “greasy” feel of glycerin. Should shipping restrictions limit availability of Myrsol or Epsilon “Blue” after shaves in your neck of the woods, I suggest RazoRock as an alternative.

So here you have it.
I do hope this will make own choice a little bit easier.


* discontinued, therefore no longer rated (and IMO never as great as people nowadays make it to be 😎).
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1.) Myrsol Blue after shave in combination with Myrsol Blue Eau de Cologne
2.) Epsilon Blue Mediterranean
3.) RazoRock Blue Barber
4.) Fine Accoutrements Barber Blue
Great list... I have these plus B&M Cool - I enjoy them all, but have to agree Myrsol Blue splash + EdC is the knockout combo
How about the OG of "Blue" good ol' Aqua Velva (Aquatic Velveta) and it also comes in Green Sport also. Great stuff inexpensive and a classic scent that is not "old man" smelling IMO.

I've only tried a few, but I like Fine's version best. I'm not too keen on Epsilon, it leaves me sticky in humid environments. I want to try Myrsol, but every time I go looking it's sold out.
My father (1922-2006) was an Aqua Velva man! It's the only thing I remember him using. Any time I get a whiff of it, it triggers memories of him. I still miss my Daddy.
That's how I have it with my paternal uncle. He was an Aqua Velva man too..!! Thinking of him every time I use it, which is often.
My father wore Aqua Velva Ice Blue and he was not a very good person. Therefore, when I first tried the AV Ice Blue, it gave me such negative connotations from my childhood that I immediately dumped the rest of the bottle down the drain. Silly, I know, but I just couldn't stand it.
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