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What tea cups do you drink from?

Lately, I have found myself getting nice tea cups to drink my tea from. I was wondering what everyone else uses. I don't have pictures of my latest acquisitions right now but will post them later.
Standard issue zisha-on-the-outside, white ceramic-on-the-inside, tasting cup + aroma cup! The classics die hard. :chinese:




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These gong fu brewers convinced me to use one of these.
this is my tea mug, I like it but it isn't very practical. I ordered a clear mug that should be at my house in a few days. I decided to go clear for two reasons

A. I want to start making flowering tea

B. the orange mug screws with my judge of the color of my tea

I've been waiting for this beauty, and it arrived in today's mail. The two photos in the upper row are without coffee; the two photos in the lower row are with coffee.

I couldn't resist!! :biggrin:

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