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I Own An Offical Indiana Jones Crystal Skull Hat


The movie is out today for those of you who are big Indiana Jones fans…you have been waiting patiently for a long time to see another episode of America’s great adventurer. Someplace between The Lone Ranger and Jack Armstrong the All American Boy with a twist of Captain America, lies Dr Jones…a character that has captured the imagination and hearts of young and old alike and in a family setting…

Some fans love the movie and the character so much that they want to be just like them. Who as a child didn’t want to be like The Lone Ranger…oops too old ? ok….Star Trek-the original series…how about Star Wars ? There are HUGE fans out there of Indiana Jones and that is alright…what a great character to immolate. Check out the websites and forums about him.

I, myself, am a fan, but not one of those who has devoted a entire room as a shrine to his goodness and grace with a complete ensemble down to his gas mask carrier pouch and whip….but the HAT IS A DIFFERENT STORY…..

I LOVE HATS…those of you who know me, know that I wear a fedora hat everyday. I wear a straw in the summer and dress hat in the winter months. (you know, HATS, that might be a good subject for a blog, too…hhmmm)…anyway…
Here are some facts about the Indiana Jones hat that only a real insider would know….
1) There were 48 hats made for the movie
2) They cost $325 each for the movie.
3) Harrison Ford wears between a 7 ¼ and a 7 3/8 size hat.
4) All the hat brim sizes were cut to the exact dimensions including the stunt men.
5) There is over a year waiting list for one.
6) They hat maker makes two handcrafted pieces per day
7) They were made in Mississippi by the Adventurebuilt Hat Company.


Steve Delk is the hat maker. That is an understatement. He lives in Columbus, Mississippi and he is one of a few craftsmen that still make hats the old way, completely by hand. 100% pure beaver…his story goes as such: he wanted a Indiana Jones hat, but everybody made cheap stiff cardboard imitations. He got interested in trying to make one. He did…and then with more knowledge and practice, he got real good at it…in fact when you check out the forums, the answer is “Steve Delk” when they ask “I want a IJ hat”…period…

But he makes one of the best regular fedora hats, too. But nowadays 99 44/100 of his work is the chocolate brown movie icon that we all know is the symbol for Dr Jones.

When the word was out that Steven Spielberg was going to make another IJ movie, everyone in the hat community contacted Steve Delk and told him to send a hat to Hollywood and tell them who you are and what you do. He did….and now you know the rest of the story…so when you see the hat on the big screen today, you can amaze your friends with such movie facts that you will be a superstar at your next trivia contest.

Since Steve is a friend of mine and I like IJ movies…he made me one and autographed it…



Thank you, Steve, for such a wonderful treasure of friendship…..

23 ½ Mark Easter…5-2-08 Handmade for Mark Easter Steve Delk….Indy 4…Pure Beaver

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That. Is.... Awesome!! :w00t:
I love Indy, childhood icon, even if all the movies were out by the time I was one year old.
my friend bought an indy hat earlier this year, its not autographed, but he bought it right before the prices skyrocketed at our local hat store (mr. hats). now its about 500 bucks for an indy hat, his was around 200 i believe. its a good thing he thought ahead before the movie came out.
Congrats and thanks for the great photo essay. Though I don't wear a hat everyday, I appreciate a good one and the element of style they bring to any occasion.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Damn. That beats the hell out of my yarmulke autographed by Maimonides. :eek:
thats nt a grail..its a badger and blade shaving mug....with a direction booklet on how to shave, with one of Joel sacred razors...and a shaving pot of screaming skull shave soap...:w00t:
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