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Rate my wife, please!

Actually I am not married so can't try this myself.


'The test was designed to give couples feedback on their marriages. Either husbands or wives could take the test, which rated wives in a variety of areas. For instance, if your wife "uses slang or profanity," she would get a score of five demerits. On the other hand, if she "reacts with pleasure and delight to marital congress," she would receive 10 merits. The test taker would add up the total number of merits and demerits to receive a raw score, which would categorize the wife on a scale from "very poor" to "very superior."'


So who is going to risk it :smile:


I think there should be more pages... You can't get a non failing score :) That or they are all failures
That is so sexist and outdated that it is laughable. I am curious though. Should I give my wife merits or demerits if she uses slang and profanity while reacting with pleasure and delight to marital congress?


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Mine got a perfect score, although I did fudge it a bit, and counted red nail polish as a plus.
I tried to find the complete test through a google search. This is all I could find which is part of the Husband's questions:

"This test--both husbands' and wives'--ran during the first two weeks of 1940 in the Chicago Tribune. (God bless the Proquest Historic Newspapers database.) Husbands' questions include:

Accepts defeat too easily. Lacks persistency and spunk (30 demerits)

Too possessive. Doesn't want wife to take interest in outside activities. (6 demerits.)

Writes on tablecloth with his pencil. (6 demerits.)

Calls "Where is..." without first hunting for the object (6 demerits.)

Tries to keep wife equipped with modern labor saving devices (6 merits.)

Has a date with wife at least once a week (30 merits.)

Helps wife with the dishes, caring for the children, scrubbing, etc. (30 merits.)

Thrills wife with his affection (30 merits.)"

I am a little unclear as to the meaning of "date" in the third to last question. I am sure most men would like to "date" a little more than once a week.
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