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French Shaving Soaps Vive la différence

Nice collection Ron! The first soap I ever used was the Pre de Provence Shea Butter in the alluminum tin. I still use it from time to time. Very good shave! I have also used the Roger & Gallet.
I have a L'Occitaine soap, and it's one of my favorites as far as scent goes. I look forward to the reviews!

I love the L'Occitaine soap as well (and the cool metal holder). Wonderful juniper smell to it. I also use it as a regular shower soap. I reviewed it over on the SMF forum.

lint said:
I love the L'Occitaine soap as well (and the cool metal holder). Wonderful juniper smell to it. I also use it as a regular shower soap. I reviewed it over on the SMF forum.

Was there a "pooh pooh" factor involved? :sneaky2: I can't believe how rich this soap is! It is Super slick! AAMOF, I have ordered some of the L'Occitane products to go with the soap. I dare not say more or I'll ruin my review. :ohmy:
While there are many other splendid soaps around, this one provides a great deal of sensual pleasure in use. :jump:

Roger & Gallet Bouquet Imperial is a favorite of mine. It was one of my first "adult" scents. I can conjure the smell on demand. Its also one of the few R&G scents that lasts forever on me. Anyway, the soap is top notch and always resides in my dresser drawers before being consumed in the shower. I await your reviews with great interest.
I've had and used both L'Occitane soaps as well as Pre-de-Provence, and both are outstanding (I have the same pdp in the aluminum tin). I think the poo-poo factor mentioned above was aimed squarely at L'Occitane's shaving CREAMS, which for most so far have been performing extremely poorly in the lather department. If their soap dept would talk to their cream guys, I'd LOVE to have a no kidding WORKING juniper/cade cream. I bought theirs, it didn't work, I returned it.
John P.
JohnP said:
I've had and used both L'Occitane soaps as well as Pre-de-Provence, and both are outstanding (I have the same pdp in the aluminum tin). I think the poo-poo factor mentioned above was aimed squarely at L'Occitane's shaving CREAMS, which for most so far have been performing extremely poorly in the lather department. If their soap dept would talk to their cream guys, I'd LOVE to have a no kidding WORKING juniper/cade cream. I bought theirs, it didn't work, I returned it.
John P.
Greetings John,
For what it is worth, I recently learned from a reasonably reliable source that the CADE cream has been reformulated.
robofunk said:
i recently used up a bar of roger & gallet extract of lettuce soap.

that was some good stuff....

Hi Robofunk,

I don't know what fragrance it is, but I just saw a box of three nicely wrapped R & G shaving soaps in a box going on ebay with (I think?) a BIN price of 9.99.


here it is!

package price of $9.99 for 3 soaps is a STEAL. i think one bar costs that much at caswell massey.
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Drew said:
Of those 5 soaps, what would you rate as your top 2 and why? Thanks

Hi Drew,
That's an easy question.:biggrin1: I really find that each one has a unique characteristic that makes it as desireable as the next. They all provide top-flight lather that rivals and/or surpasses the best the Brits can offer.. I could rate them on different characteristics, but I have to give them all top grades for shaving efficacy. I have had no irritation or adverse skin response with any, always a super cleanly shaven visage that feels just super.
Ron, I must say the L'Occitane soap is great. I might shave tomorrow evening with it again, because this week, I sort of forgot a little about it. Man, does it lather beautifully!

Drawing on a comment by another poster I bought a chunk of Savon d'Alep, an artisanal olive oil soap for shaving. I've found the razor just glides. The scent is a bit olivey, which is not bad. I paid the equivalent of $5.50 for a slap 2" x 2" 2"
Hello Ron!

Thanks for these reviews, juste a little correction if you dont mind.
I think you shoud spell this L'Authentique Père et Fils :thumbup1:

Hello Pierre,
It is not a question of authenticity, but of the fragrance house, Lothantique.
You may wish to look at their Canadian Site.:001_smile
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