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Shaving Mug Idea

I also picked up one of those thumb-notched rice bowls from Target.

Since I tend to be messy around the sink, having a larger bowl really helps keep things contained... kudos Danny!
Hi Ash!

Thanks! I have really been enjoying this rice bowl as a shaving mug. First, it is big enough to accommodate my largest brushes. Second, I place this bowl into a sink half-filled with hot water to keep it warm (i.e., like a scuttle). It is heavy enough to sit on the sink without floating. :biggrin:

Glad to read you've been enjoying this too!

Haha I almost bought one of those yesterday w/o seeing this tread! But I saw a somewhat smaller stoneware bowl on the same isle. That stoneware really holds the heat.
Seems like Target is the prime destination for the aspiring (and experienced) wet shaver. Now they just need to start carrying safety razors...
I use #137 from my site. It is made of Pewter in Sheffield, England. Sheffield is the "Solingen of England." It holds heat wonderfully.
I picked up one of those Target rice bowls today for $2.99 on the clearance shelf. It fits in the hand quite nicely.
dszpiro said:
Hi Ash!
Second, I place this bowl into a sink half-filled with hot water to keep it warm (i.e., like a scuttle). It is heavy enough to sit on the sink without floating. :biggrin:



Excellent suggestion! I bought one of the Target rice bowls on Saturday for $1.99. It works like a charm and has ample room to whip up tons of lather. I also sit it my sink full of hot water. Hot lather the entire shave.:biggrin:
I have to admit it: I like big brushes.

The rice bowl from Target that I showed in the photos at the start of this thread has been wonderful and I have been using it daily since I brought it home. Despite its generous proportions, I still find it a bit small for really big brushes like my Kent BK12.

Yesterday I was shopping at Lather Bowl Heaven (a.k.a. Target) again, and I found my rice bowl's big brother! As you can see from these photos, it has quite a bit more capacity than the original rice bowl and taller sides.

I am happy to report that this lather bucket just swallows up the BK12 and allows for vigorous whipping of a big brush without the fear of lather sloshing over the sides. This new rice bowl cum shaving mug is a real necessity for those days that I feel like whipping up a communal lather for the whole block! :001_tt1:

As they used to say in television commercials when I was a kid, "Collect the whole set!" :tongue:

xpavar said:
Wow, that thing looks like a planter. I have the turquoise one and it's great.


Actually, it isn't that hard to hold. I included the photo of me holding it to highlight that it is quite manageable. :001_smile

I also bought one of the target bowls. They're a little on the small side for larger brushes but for like $4.99 you can't go wrong. :thumbup:
Cool bowl...love the thumb rest...but what is the small hole on the right for ? ...the pinky :biggrin:

Notch ("thumb rest") and hole are for setting chopsticks on the bowl, I would assume (since it's a "rice bowl")

:. Look for rice bowls if you want the notch!

Happy hunting, I'll stick with my ceramic mug :)
I kept telling myself to get a bowl from target since a long time ago but I still haven't. I'm gonna go tomorrow.
I think I need to head to Target! I have been thinking long and hard about a bowl. If it breaks in the show, no huge loss, just get another!
looks like a two tone blue submariner. I have its stainless steel cousin


I picked up this monster mug for £1 in a local "Charity shop" here in England. It works very well with the equally large brush picture here.
The mug weighs in at 743grammes, so you need a strong wrist to hold it!
Martin :thumbup1:
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