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Random pondering RE: stamps/envelopes that came to while paying bills

Okay, what about 10 years or so (give or take, I don't remember for certain) ago the US post office phased out stamps that required people to lick them to activate the adhesive. I've always presumed this was because people hated licking stamps.

Yet almost all envelopes still require people to lick them to activate the adhesive... Seems like self-adhesive envelopes would be more popular than self adhesive stamps since the adhesive strip is larger on envelopes than stamps...

Okay, not sure what point I'm making but it came to me, I'm tired and about to go to bed, and I had to share my mind's pointless wonderings.
I concur. I dislike having to lick envelopes in this manner. You have some options though:

1) pay bills via e-bill where possible
2) buy envelopes with self-adhesive
3) get one of those sponge things that applies water to the regular old envelopes
I think the difference is that the stamps are sold by the government, and you pretty much have to use their stamps if you want to mail something. So back when they were making the stamps that required licking, they were careful to make the adhesive meet all kinds of special requirements. It had to be kosher, vegetarian, etc., so that anyone with any kind of religious restrictions could use it. So they probably just thought it would be easier to get rid of the licking altogether.

But the thing that really annoys me about licking envelopes is when you get a paper cut on your tongue. :eek:
Yea, you can buy either. I saw a ton of self adhesive envelopes at Wal-Mart today. I guess the more fancy envelopes are usually the lick kind (i.e. Seinfeld).
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