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What do you call your old bag?

When I was training to be a locomotive engineer I worked with an old engineer who was from Macon, GA. He was the quintessential southerner. He liked to hunt and fish had the central Georgia accent and a deep voice, which has been compared to Fog Horn Leg Horn. He drove a truck flew the stars and bars and would bring in all sorts of interesting fowl for me to try. I liked John a lot. He taught me things that have been passed down through the ages from locomotive engineer to fireman, but it is his vernacular that has always stuck me as somewhat funny, if, inappropriate. He had a deep respect for blacks and was first in line to admonish anyone for using the "N" word, but would then turn around and call black people shines. Maybe it is a cultural thing, these plays on words; both degrading yet one has such a strong sense of hate attached to it while the other is clearly just not right. It was like this with a lot of things John would say. He would always call his dopp kit a douche bag, which I admit I have sort of clung on to over the years which brings me to the point of the post. What name do you have for the douche bag? Is it a shower kit a dopp bag or in Johns ever loving way a simple douche bag?

note: douche is French for shower
I have always called it a shave kit, strangely enough. I have also heard it called a ditty bag. I grew up in central Florida and have a very neutral accent.
Oh, yeah. I'm from California, but I lived all over the place growing up, so I didn't get a chance to constantly hear the same vernacular and colloquialisms.
This brings up another question I've always wondered about. What does Dopp kit stand for, or where did the term originate? I always figured it was an acronym, D-something O-something Personal Possessions....maybe? I'm sure someone out there knows...
I also expected the thread to be about what we call SWMBO. :rolleyes:

I just call my shaving kit a "shaving kit". I was also born and raised in the Deep South (Ga and AL).

I have always called it a satchel. I don't know if that was a regional or a family colloquialism but until I came here I never knew of any other word for it.
I am from Atlanta and have always called it a Dopp kit, this may come from the fact that I have a family where practically everyone has served in the military and we all call them dopp kits.
This brings up another question I've always wondered about. What does Dopp kit stand for, or where did the term originate? I always figured it was an acronym, D-something O-something Personal Possessions....maybe? I'm sure someone out there knows...

And now for a shameless plug.

Don't forget to check the wiki :biggrin: when you're not sure about somethink, like Dopp kit. It has tons of great information.

Oh, and I refer to mine as a toiletry bag, but I thought by the title this would be asking what I call my wife :lol:.
In my family, it was always called a "john box", but I've also heard it called a toilet box. My cousin gave me one when I graduated from high school and I still have it. With my expanded shaving kit, I needed more room so I started looking for a new one that didn't have a plastic lining. I found a really nice one from Charles at QED....its made in the UK out of stiff canvas and leather.
Mine are now and have always been referred to as dopp kits (are those two words supposed to be capitalized? :confused:). That is what my Dad called it when I got my first. IIRC my F-i-L also referred to them as Dopp kits.

To refere to them as shaving kits would be a misnomer in my case since they also carry a toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, floss, deodorant, sewing kit (there's something else I'm missing...) in addition to the shaving implements and supplies.
I picked up the term "Hygiene bag" or hygiene kit from the Marines. This would include all shave gear, tooth brush, and other personal grooming items. why did I think this thread would be about significant others?
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