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1st shave with 61 Fat Boy.

So I've completed my first shave with my recently acquired (Thanks Maher) 61 Fat Boy. First I love the feel of this razor. It's heavy and feels great in my band. I lathered up with TOBS Avocado and started on Level 1 since this was my first time using an adjustable. As a recent newbie I started in the DE world using the Merkur HD. I quickly realized that this was to low a setting and jumped up to Level Three. After a WTG and then a ATG pass I had myself a quality 1st shave with this razor. I plan tp slowly work myself up the adjustable scale to find the right level for my face. I was using a new gillette blade from sampler pack I purchased at West Coast Shaving. These blades seemed to perform well. I usually use the Merkur blades with my HD but I thought I would try the Gillettes. If anyone is on the fence about picking up one of these razors please come over to this side the Grass is Definately Greener.

Also If you have a Fat Boy what blades do you prefer? I've tried the feathers in my HD with little success. Well unless you gauge success by the amount of blood I shed.
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Also If you have a Fat Boy what blades do you prefer? I've tried the feathers in my HD with little success. When unless you gauge success by the amount of blood I shed.

My face, FatBoy and Crystals seem to play nice together, epsecially when used with Mitchell's wool fat or VDH.

My kisser does'nt like Feathers. I've tried them in different types and styles of razors, corked and uncorked, put several days of shaves on 'em to see if they smooth out, and they still don't like me.
VolpeVerde - do you have any extra Trawnya? I could go for one right now.

Question: as a shaver, is the 61 FB any different from the 60?
Congrats on the Fatboy! I like mine, but to be honest it shaves about on par with a Slim Adjustable for me...that is to say, very well. I do like the solid feel to it.
I like the Red Personnas in the Fatboy, but then I like them in every razor I've tried them in. Very sharp, but also very smooth. Congrats on the Fatboy, and yes, the Slim is equally nice to shave with. I know you're not supposed to end a sentence with a preposition, but sometimes it just fit in. :cool:
VolpeVerde - do you have any extra Trawnya? I could go for one right now.

Question: as a shaver, is the 61 FB any different from the 60?

As for the first question - sadly no. McCoy drank it all. What a lush.
As for the second, I have both a '60 (birth year) and a '61 and they are absolutely identical, except for the date code stamped on the underside.
Look the same, shave the same, operate the same. Both are sweet, though, Gillette's technology at it's best.
The fatboy is truly amazing aint' it ?

I have been using one and the most remarkable thing I find is that any blade I put in seems to give me the perfect blade angle and makes the blade softer on the skin.

The other day I tried with setting 7 with a medium sharp supermax blade and gave me a lot of weepers. Got to scale down I guess.
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