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What should I cook for a man's last meal....

....before his wedding? :biggrin:

My brother is getting married this weekend and crashing at my place the night before. This means I'll have to make him a good breakfast that will keep him on his feet long enough to make it through the day. I'm completely stumped on what to feed the guy so I thought I'd have a bit of fun and ask here. The only requirements are that it can't be too fancy and it can't make him run to the bathroom in the middle of the ceremony.

Let's send the guy out in style. :biggrin:


The wife's investment
....before his wedding? :biggrin:

My brother is getting married this weekend and crashing at my place the night before. This means I'll have to make him a good breakfast that will keep him on his feet long enough to make it through the day. I'm completely stumped on what to feed the guy so I thought I'd have a bit of fun and ask here. The only requirements are that it can't be too fancy and it can't make him run to the bathroom in the middle of the ceremony.

Let's send the guy out in style. :biggrin:

That's easy... bachelor sink salad. Put a pile of salad vegetables next to the sink, along with a few bottles of salad dressing. He can stand over the sink and pour salad dressing on any salad item he wishes and eat his fill. When he is finished there are no dishes. Sweet, huh?
I would suggest a St. Louis classic, "The Slinger." Add a side of toast, some OJ, and a cup of coffee and he'll be good to go until the reception.

Slinger – Two Cheeseburger Patties, Hash Browns,Two Eggs, Covered With Chile

Add a tamale on top and you have a Super Slinger.

That's easy... bachelor sink salad. Put a pile of salad vegetables next to the sink, along with a few bottles of salad dressing. He can stand over the sink and pour salad dressing on any salad item he wishes and eat his fill. When he is finished there are no dishes. Sweet, huh?



Depends on what condition his condition is in. Hair of the dog plus lots of water followed by steak & eggs with milk.
I second the steak and eggs idea! A rugged truck-stop style breakfast with home-fries and strong coffee. He'll need it. And send him our best!
I would suggest a St. Louis classic, "The Slinger." Add a side of toast, some OJ, and a cup of coffee and he'll be good to go until the reception.

Slinger – Two Cheeseburger Patties, Hash Browns,Two Eggs, Covered With Chile

Add a tamale on top and you have a Super Slinger.

You have wicked sense of humor. It would need hot sauce tho.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
What should I cook for a man's last meal...............before his wedding?

Isn't that redundent?:001_rolle

Yeah, salad. Like he won't be seeing enough of those after he's married.
I would suggest a St. Louis classic, "The Slinger." Add a side of toast, some OJ, and a cup of coffee and he'll be good to go until the reception.

Slinger – Two Cheeseburger Patties, Hash Browns,Two Eggs, Covered With Chile

Add a tamale on top and you have a Super Slinger.


I thought he said, Something that won't send him running to the bathroom...:lol: Seriously, though, it looks delicious!
If you're in the SF area, I hear the Mitchell Brothers makes a mean steak...

Seriously, I'm guessing that anything with you and his friends sharing it will be exactly what he wants.

And kibbeh. Mmmmm.... Kibbeh.
I would suggest a St. Louis classic, "The Slinger." Add a side of toast, some OJ, and a cup of coffee and he'll be good to go until the reception.

Slinger – Two Cheeseburger Patties, Hash Browns,Two Eggs, Covered With Chile

Add a tamale on top and you have a Super Slinger.


Mmm, slinger. That is indeed a St Louis classic, though I've never seen one ordered for breakfast (at least not a normal breakfast). It's a late night or early morning drunk food thing. Which may be appropriate.

As for the original question: find out what his bride to be doesn't like that he does. If he loves steak and eggs but she can't stand it it's a good bet he won't be eating it much the next few decades. So make that.

My choice would have been homemade buttermilk biscuits smothered with country gravy and sausage. Alton Brown has a great recipe.

I would suggest a St. Louis classic, "The Slinger." Add a side of toast, some OJ, and a cup of coffee and he'll be good to go until the reception.

Slinger – Two Cheeseburger Patties, Hash Browns,Two Eggs, Covered With Chile

Add a tamale on top and you have a Super Slinger.

I'd have to say nah! to that one. High probability of the develoment of internal gasses which would, in all likelyhood, audibly present themselves at exactly the wrong moment(s)!

I second the steak and eggs idea! A rugged truck-stop style breakfast with home-fries and strong coffee. He'll need it. And send him our best!
Definitely the correct choice. That steak should provide him the requisite iron needed for his new duties/privileges. :biggrin:

OTOH this sounds most intriguing.

I think you shoud make him my infamous Texas
Jack Special.....:wink:
Infamous and Texas...it's just gotta be good!
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