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Am I on my way to becoming a lush?

Guys, I never touched beer until my 21st birthday, upon which I was taken to Tiger Town Tavern for the obligatory shirt and shots. I had quite a bit of beer and liquor that night and finally figured out what it was like to be drunk.

I imbibed throughout college, mostly beer. I loved the stuff - different varieties, seasonals, et cetera. I got sloshed rarely, preferring the means rather than the ends.

In grad school and now as a working guy, though, I discovered that beer is really too much. I can't make the commitment to drinking a whole bottle all the time. It upsets my indigestion. I had a bad experience once with a daiquiri and swore off liquor, but in the past several months, I've really been turned on to the stuff. Gin and bourbon are my two preferences right now, although I'm still learning about the varieties and what I like.

I find myself eager to stock up on liquor supplies and make my own confused beverages (ok, mixed drinks). Today I bought some vermouth on the way home from work and mixed myself a Manhattan as soon as I walked in the door. I've been drinking cocktails a lot lately...either at home or at a local bar with a pool cue in my hand. Frankly, it's delicious and fun. I don't like getting "buzzed" when I overdo it, so I can't say that I'm drinking for the wrong reasons...but dammit, I love cocktails.

Is it possible to be a drunk without drinking to get drunk?
I don't think you are becoming a drunk just for the reason that you are aware of what you are doing.

Do you need to drink to function properly?
probably not

Is drinking effecting your work or relationships?
probably not

I mean its not like you are knocking off a 12 pack everyday afterwork.

Sounds like you just enjoy cocktails. Welcome to the club! I love me a crown and coke! I like a little buzz.

I agree with Dustin. It's not a problem until there's a problem. You're enjoying the discovery of spirits and cocktails at home and out on the town. Nothing wrong with that at all. Enjoy yourself, be safe, and tip one back for me the next time you're out. I have a feeling it may be a while before I'm back out and painting the town red since I've got bigger fish to fry at the moment with the construction of my first home. Translation: little to no booze for this guy. :lol:
There mere fact that you are asking these questions means that you are probably OK. If it concerns you, try doing without any beer or liquor for an entire week - that should give an indication as to whether it's more of an attraction or addiction.
As it stands right now, it doesn't look like you have a problem at all. However, when it comes to drinking, there definitely exists the possibility of "too much of a good thing".

It started that way for me. A couple drinks on the weekends slowly progressed into drinking every day. I was a big fan of vodka, and before I knew it, I was knocking back 4-6 liters a week. What's strange is that I never got drunk, just pleasantly buzzed when I didn't have to drive anywhere in the evenings. Thankfully I don't have an addictive personality and drink almost none now.

If you decide to become a regular drinker, I highly recommend that you have your liver values checked every now and again. I'm not trying to scare you, I just feel it's a responsible thing to do. The reason I say this is because I have a friend who is 28 and has been a regular drinker since he was 18. Beer only, and although he was a consistent drinker he also never got drunk. Well, about three weeks ago, he started throwing up for no apparent reason. It became uncontrollable and he went to the ER. Turns out he nearly died of liver failure and was advised to never drink again.

Again, this is NOT an anti-alcohol post whatsoever. I still do enjoy alcohol every now and then, and there are folks that can float their teeth every single day and remain perfectly healthy. Some have livers of iron, others made of feathers. Stay safe, drink responsibly and most importantly...stay healthy.
Look around you, bro. There are hundreds of guys here who post regularly about their favorite cocktails, wines, beers, and spirits. Do you think we're all just walking down the steep path to debilitating alcoholism? Definitely not.

So long as drinking doesn't disrupt your normal life, or the lives of those around you, I don't see a reason to feel bad about something you enjoy. Moderate drinking, according to some, is even good for you in certain ways.

And if you're still not convinced to continue enjoying the occasional tipple:

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Look around you, bro. There are hundreds of guys here who post regularly about their favorite cocktails, wines, beers, and spirits. Do you think we're all just walking down the steep path to debilitating alcoholism? Definitely not.

So long as drinking doesn't disrupt your normal life, or the lives of those around you, I don't see a reason to feel bad about something you enjoy. Moderate drinking, according to some, is even good for you in certain ways.

And if you're still not convinced to continue enjoying the occasional tipple:

View attachment 42121


That horrible crashing sound is Timmy throwing his collection out the window,

Alcohol is one of the hardest substances to enjoy correctly. There's a world of difference between enjoying a bottle of Latour at Taillevent and guzzling Thunderbird on the Bowery. It has the potential to make fools of any one of us.
I don't think you are becoming a drunk just for the reason that you are aware of what you are doing.

There mere fact that you are asking these questions means that you are probably OK. If it concerns you, try doing without any beer or liquor for an entire week - that should give an indication as to whether it's more of an attraction or addiction.

If you decide to become a regular drinker, I highly recommend that you have your liver values checked every now and again. I'm not trying to scare you, I just feel it's a responsible thing to do.

i would follow the advice of all these guys--remain aware of what you drink and how often you drink it. periodically take some "time off" from drinking. i usually do a month off, once or twice a year (a nice side-benefit is that over the course of a month you'll end up with some extra cash to feed your *AD of choice). be honest and accurate with your doctor about your alcohol consumption and routinely check for signs of problems.

all these steps can sound like overkill, but it sure beats the alternative
Excellent advice, guys - thank you.

I am reassured by what you've pointed out here - that I am aware of what I'm doing. I think the simple fact that I'm worrying about this should tell me that I'm OK.

I tend to be intense with new things and then level off, and I don't think this will be any different. I like to get a feel for all my options/possibilities/etc in the first few weeks of any experience. In addition, I can pretty much drop any sort of habit I have without a sliver of withdrawal, so I'll have that going for me as well.

I haven't thought about keeping a better eye on my health & bloodwork. I have that done every year anyway, so it won't be a problem.

Weekdays will most likely be out of the question here in a few weeks, after I've mixed drinks enough to satisfy myself. During the week I'm wiped out and alcohol just makes me more sluggish. I had a hard time keeping up in choir tonight.

I would suppose I'll level off at 1-2 drinks a week, maximum. That's really where I am right now, it just seems like I've had a lot because I've had 2 drinks every week for the past few weeks. Again, it's a new experience, and I'm probably being overly analytical about it. But that has saved my arse a few times before, so I'm not going to be shy about overthinking. :smile:
Many good suggestions here.

One more. If you go out to drink, don't drive. Never, ever drive if you think you may be drunk. The legal limit is .08% in most, if not all, states. It doesn't take much to reach or surpass that. A cab is much less expensive than a DUI (or DWI, depending on where you live).

+1 on protecting your liver. See your doctor regularly and ask for liver function tests. It's just a blood test. Periodic blood tests are easier than a liver biopsy.
Take care of your liver! It's not easy to replace it.
That horrible crashing sound is Timmy throwing his collection out the window,

Alcohol is one of the hardest substances to enjoy correctly. There's a world of difference between enjoying a bottle of Latour at Taillevent and guzzling Thunderbird on the Bowery. It has the potential to make fools of any one of us.

Well said, but I'll have to defer to James Mason...

1-2 drinks per week, and you're worried? Oh lord, am I ever in trouble...:eek:

Seriously, though, as others have said, the fact that you're thinking about it is a very good sign. All things in moderation, but if it isn't affecting your life or that of your loved ones, you are probably fine. Alcohol used judiciously is not inherently evil, just when taken to excess - as with most things in life. (Now if I could just control my excessive RAD....)
I'll confess, I didn't read most of this thread, but if you're asking if you're a drunk, chances are you need to lay off the sauce.
you seem to be okay at this point.just don't let it(drinking) run your life.if it ever gets to that point it is time to step back.
To paraphrase a famous quote:

I really like peas, but I don't worry that I'm eating too many of them.

If you are concerned you should take that concern seriously. This is from a certified expert in addictions....that would be me (Dr. Mike).
I cannot tell you that you are a drunk and neither can anyone else. This is a question that you have to answer yourself. I mean do you honestly yourself believe you have a problem? Is your drinking affecting your work, your everday life, do you base everything in your life around drinking? If so then you might want to consider trying things a different way, if no then have fun enjoy life just don't go overboard.
Enjoy in moderation, as long as you are not getting falling down drunk. But a word of caution. Lots of calories in those drinks. While they may not take a toll on your liver, they will take a toll on your waist.
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