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Photo comparison of Rooney 3/1 and the Badger & Blade Limited Edition 2008 from Kent

In each of these pictures, the Rooney (in super, from Vintage Blades) is on the left and the Kent (B&B LE 2008) is on the right. Both brushes have bloomed.

I'm not a brush connoisseur, so I'll just post the pictures and let others draw their own conclusions.
Good Lord, the Rooney appears to be larger in bloom AND more dense (but not by much).

They're both beautiful. To the OP -- do you enjoy using both?
Thay are both beautiful brushes and they work like a dream.


Good Lord, the Rooney appears to be larger in bloom AND more dense (but not by much).

They're both beautiful. To the OP -- do you enjoy using both?

I think the relative bloom size and density is a little misleading because of the different shapes of the knots (as shown in the first picture). I think that if the B&B LE's knot was the same shape as the Rooney, you might find that it has a wider bloom.

I do enjoy using both. I've only used the B&B LE twice, but the tips are a bit softer. The Rooney can sometimes be a tiny pit prickly to my sensitive skin on a second or touch-up pass. Both of these brushes are very dense and have a lot of backbone.
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