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A Few Old Gillette Factory Photos

I came across a few old Gillette factory photos from the 20's while doing some research and thought I'd post them for your viewing pleasure.


Forming the top plate.


Press fitting the guide pins.


Making ready for plating.


On the way to market.

ok, am I the only one who started drooling at all those parts?

thanks ray!

I was thinking how inefficient the whole process appears...

I came across a few old Gillette factory photos from the 20's while doing some research and thought I'd post them for your viewing pleasure.


Forming the top plate.

She has a bin on her lap, another bin under the machine, and someone is scooping up parts. Was this before they invented conveyor belts?


Press fitting the guide pins.
Again, after the parts are made, they are hand carried to another location in the factory. Assembly line anyone?


Making ready for plating.

Notice the comfortable ergonomic chairs? Ouch!


On the way to market.

That's a nice looking truck.
I was thinking how inefficient the whole process appears...

She has a bin on her lap, another bin under the machine, and someone is scooping up parts. Was this before they invented conveyor belts?

Again, after the parts are made, they are hand carried to another location in the factory. Assembly line anyone?

Notice the comfortable ergonomic chairs? Ouch!

That's a nice looking truck.

Spoken like a true Lean Sigma Champion. Hey, that's what I do.
For the 1920s, that probably was cutting edge manufacturing (no pun intended) and procedure. Also, no osha or unions to worry about.
Very interesting. Thank you for posting them.

And, to show what a sexist I can unintentionally be, I never though of women making men's razors. :blush: :redface:
Fantastic pictures Ray. Where did you find them? Are there more? It's amazing that the women sat on kitchen chairs all day to make razors.
Those are awesome pictures. Wouldn't it be great if they were still in use. I hope somebody can post some more, especially of the actual razor making. Thanks for the great photos
Thanks for the pics there Ray.... I guess somethings are better these days then there were back then. But they did make a dang fine razor that way.
Fantastic pictures Ray. Where did you find them? Are there more? It's amazing that the women sat on kitchen chairs all day to make razors.

These where the only ones I came accross. Where...LOL...Have you ever found a needle in a haystack?...Some where on the internet but that's all I can remember.
Very interesting pictures, both the process and the people. The man in the first picture looks very well groomed, most likely wearing a tie too. :biggrin: Ray, thanks for posting and do update this if you find more pictures.
Thanks Ray! I've always wondered how the gillette factories looked back in the day. It would be very interesting to see pictures of some of the gillette factories outside the U.S. and compare them to these.
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