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The Best Horror Films of All Time

Some of my Favorites

Nightmare on Elm Street Series
Hellraiser (especially 1-3)
Evil Dead I & II
Saw series
The Collector / The Collection
Cube / Cube 2 / Cube Zero
House of 1000 Corpses
The Devil's Rejects
Nightmare before Christmas
American Mary
Funny thing, I work with one of the guys from evil dead 1, not 11. And most definitely not Bruce Campbell. :)
My mini list off the top of my head:

The Saw movies
Sinister 1
The Conjuring 1
Grudge 1
House on Haunted Hill
Lots of good choices so far. I grew up in a time when movies like "Night of the Living Dead" was enough to give you nightmares for a month. Or that scene from "The Fly" where the human/fly was caught in the spider web and was screaming "Help me! Help me!" was enough to reverberate in our minds for days. I tend to rate horror movies based on "jump factor". and by this I mean that kind of scene at the end of "Carrie" when the hand reaches up out of the grave to grab the hand of the mourner kneeling down to place a flower.


I don't have a funny description.
I liked "Silent Hill" and "The Others" with Nicole Kidman. Also "The Prophecies of the Mothman" (very much recommended).
I'm really not an expert on horror movies though. I do find, however that 90% of all the horror films are based on the same few motives and the same few tricks. Very few bring something original.
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Watched the 80's BBC movie of Woman In Black. Very effective for a much lower budget than the feature movie.


Fussy Evil Genius
Watched the 80's BBC movie of Woman In Black. Very effective for a much lower budget than the feature movie.
I went and saw that on stage. I knew nothing about it, except that it was a thriller. Twenty-eight years later, I still get chills when I think about it.
Halloween ..The original.. Looked over my shoulder for a week and checked in my car before getting in.
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre..
The Shining
Pet Sematary.. That did it for me and Steven King.. I had young boys at that time and the thought of losing one was too much..
There's just no way to name them all. Too many subgenres and too many years of great movies. The companion piece to the article that started this post was a list of the 100 worst horror movies. Going through both lists was crazy. IMO some of the films should have swapped lists.

Some of my all time favorites:

Dawn of the Dead (both versions for different reasons)
Day of the Dead (Original, the sequel should feature prominently in "worst of" lists)
Return of the Living Dead (I wish they'd made a sequel featuring the Tarman)
The Exorcist
The Omen
Evil Dead II
Halloween 1 and 2 (I'll even go with the first Rob Zombie Halloween)
The House on Haunted Hill (Both Versions)
13 Ghosts (Both Versions)
Blair Witch Project (Put me in the "don't understand the hate," category)
Paranormal Activity 1 & 2 (The way they tied the two together was brilliant)
The Taking of Deborah Logan (Finally someone says "I'm out of here," in a FF film)
The Witch (The irony of the ending was sheer brilliance)
Krampus (Darker version of Gremlins anyone?)
Lights Out (The full movie and the short film that birthed it)
The Fog (original, but I liked the remake too)
The Thing
The Conjuring 1 & 2 (Can't get enough of the Warren's in film or book)
Insidious 1, 2, & 3 (Love me some Lin Shaye)
The Grudge
Every other horror movie I loved, but can't remember right now

I just watched Lights Out and I thought it was amazing. Every time I woke up that night I saw stuff in the shadows. Haven't had that happen since The Grudge.

As a side note, if I had to pick one scene as the scariest of all time it would be the Spider Walk scene in The Exorcist. That movie should have ended right there. Shoot the kid and move on with your life. Seriously, could you ever be anywhere near that girl after seeing that? If God himself came down and said "Don't worry about it guys, she's cured. It's cool." I still wouldn't be caught within 2 states of Regan MacNeil.
If I had to say the ones that made me truly fearful:
Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (the TV movie, not the theatrical one)
The Night Stalker (again the TV movie)
Something Evil (another TV movie, this one directed by Spielberg)
The Ring (the American Remake)
Dracula, Prince of Darkness
The Thing From Another World
The Haunting (the original)
Prince of Darkness
In The Mouth of Madness
The Exorcist
I'm sure there are others.
Poltergeist, parents took me to see this in the theaters, I ran out screaming. To this day I can't watch it.
event horizon....I thought it was just some sci fi movie until you realize the ship is making everyone crazy and kill each other
the ring, just damn creepy.
halloween, creepy, suspenseful music! Classic!
The shining...remind me never to stay in a creepy empty hotel that had blood coming out of the elevators

there are others, but these are the ones that have scarred me.


Slays On Fleek - For Rizz
Poltergeist, parents took me to see this in the theaters, I ran out screaming. To this day I can't watch it.
event horizon....I thought it was just some sci fi movie until you realize the ship is making everyone crazy and kill each other
the ring, just damn creepy.
halloween, creepy, suspenseful music! Classic!
The shining...remind me never to stay in a creepy empty hotel that had blood coming out of the elevators

there are others, but these are the ones that have scarred me.
The old priest was the worst. I think it may be the second where Craig T. Nelson winds up in the mud pit with the skeletons! Creep-tastic .
Am I the first to mention The Babadook!? So incredibly well done. For my part I'm more into suspense than gore, so if thats your thing you owe it to yourself to check it out.
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