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Misery Meter: How Much Have Fans of Each Playoff Team Suffered

Clearly, Cubs fans stand alone. Boston fans were up there with them, but that's ancient history, as many young fans did not experience 1986. Across the whole major league spectrum, Cubs stand alone, and will probably enjoy the same sort of support the Red Sox did in 2004. If they win, good for them.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Fun piece. As a Mets fan, I can appreciate up and downs as well as anyone -- at least there have been ups.
The perspective of what other franchises have endured is good.

It would have been fun to see the assessment of Yankee fans' misery...oh, sorry, they're not in the postseason. I'm all broken up about that.
Pre 2004, Red Sox and Cubs definitely the worst. Since things have gotten much better for Boston. Hopefully the Cubs can reverse the curse.
Meh, pure click-bait. Of course I was baited and clicked. Now that my beloved Jays are back to their second straight ALCS, their ineptitude ranking has to be lessened, somewhat, right? Right?
The most pathetisad franchise remaining has got to be the Natinals (mis-spelling intentional...look it up, kids). This franchise, whether in Montreal or Washington, has never had a sniff, thank you Rick Monday.
So while the Cubbies and Injuns are the glamour picks for getting off the schnied, send a little love to the Nats who've never won jack squat.
Unless they're up against the Jays...
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