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Casual Blazer

I'm looking for a casual blazer that I can wear with jeans and a casual button down shirt. Target used to carry a pretty simple unlined and unstructured blazer but stopped carrying it for whatever reason. Does anyone have an opinion of the LL Bean Town and Field blazer? It's pricey, but its the most affordable casual blazer I've found so far on the interwebz.

Nothing at Jos A Bank looks really casual, as in an unstructured kind of casual. I do like this jacket at JC Penny. Its a jacket from a suited separate, maybe I'll just buy the suit and the jacket can do double duty as a sport coat as well. It looks to have minimal shoulder padding.
The LL Bean jacket looks nice, actually, and very casual as compared to a traditional blazer (I prefer the traditional blazer with metal buttons) but I think this one would really fit your needs more and could do double duty as something nice for jacket and jeans as well as jacket and tie with khakis for the summer.
I do like that LL Bean one. When you said pricey, I was thinking $300. $125 for an unstructured jacket is pretty good.

You can usually find good stuff on Ebay. Just make sure you get some good measurements of yourself. Several people on this forum have reported snagging some different blazers for a song on ebay. I plan on doing this to pick up a Harris Tweed jacket and at least one unstructured jacket for next fall/winter
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