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My Journey

Five years ago my wife and I joined the local fitness center. I have always been the type that said to myself I can not because of my arthritis. I was determined to work at. My weight had ballooned up to 260.

I started out slowly doing a water aerobics class, three times a week. It was difficult at first I did not realize how much range of motion I had lost. Each class I gained more flexibility.

I use the VA for my regular doctor. With my problems with high blood pressure, he suggested I start the MOVE program to help lose. Over the years my weight has yo-yoed back and forth. The RD, helped me set goals, choose more healthy eating choices. She became my encourager to help lose weight.

The weight began coming off slowly. Combining with the exercise I was doing and better eating choices and changing eating habits.

I began to gain confidence in what I could do with exercise. I added a Yoga class, then a Senior Strength class. The Yoga class helped with my flexibility, the Senior Strength Class with strength and balance.

The pounds kept disappearing, I was reach weight levels I had been been at in over thirty years. Fast forward to today, I added a another class Core and Stretch. I meet with the RD every month for a weight check. Today my weight is 197, I'm within 17 pounds of my goal weight. I have not been under two hundreds since the late 70's.

My weight gain over the years was a result of poor eating habits and irregular eating times. I had worked in Food Service Management for over nearly 35 years. I have confidence that I can exercise, I like challenging myself to see what else I can do. Yes there are days my arthritis screams at me, I work through. The key is listening to my body.

Weight gain and carry excessive weight was not helping my high blood pressure adding to that the lack of exercise was taking a toll on my body. Today I feel better then I have in years, my weight is controlled, I enjoy exercising too.

The weight gain happened through years of poor eating. There is no magical pill, magic elixir to make the weight come off. Mine came off through behavioural changes, the incentive to exercise. Weight loss is work and willingness to change.
Five years ago my wife and I joined the local fitness center. I have always been the type that said to myself I can not because of my arthritis. I was determined to work at. My weight had ballooned up to 260.

I started out slowly doing a water aerobics class, three times a week. It was difficult at first I did not realize how much range of motion I had lost. Each class I gained more flexibility.

I use the VA for my regular doctor. With my problems with high blood pressure, he suggested I start the MOVE program to help lose. Over the years my weight has yo-yoed back and forth. The RD, helped me set goals, choose more healthy eating choices. She became my encourager to help lose weight.

The weight began coming off slowly. Combining with the exercise I was doing and better eating choices and changing eating habits.

I began to gain confidence in what I could do with exercise. I added a Yoga class, then a Senior Strength class. The Yoga class helped with my flexibility, the Senior Strength Class with strength and balance.

The pounds kept disappearing, I was reach weight levels I had been been at in over thirty years. Fast forward to today, I added a another class Core and Stretch. I meet with the RD every month for a weight check. Today my weight is 197, I'm within 17 pounds of my goal weight. I have not been under two hundreds since the late 70's.

My weight gain over the years was a result of poor eating habits and irregular eating times. I had worked in Food Service Management for over nearly 35 years. I have confidence that I can exercise, I like challenging myself to see what else I can do. Yes there are days my arthritis screams at me, I work through. The key is listening to my body.

Weight gain and carry excessive weight was not helping my high blood pressure adding to that the lack of exercise was taking a toll on my body. Today I feel better then I have in years, my weight is controlled, I enjoy exercising too.

The weight gain happened through years of poor eating. There is no magical pill, magic elixir to make the weight come off. Mine came off through behavioural changes, the incentive to exercise. Weight loss is work and willingness to change.
Managing calories to sensible and moderate levels with some physical activities is all it takes...no magic at all.
Great to hear! Love seeing folks my age and older choosing healthy lifestyles and reaping the benefits. Inspiring!
Great Job. In 2011 I was up to 300 lbs. I joined a Gym and started eating sensibly and dropped to 220 by december of that year. I have put a few lbs back on, but have now stabilized and am dropping again. I hope to be at my goal weight by the end of the year.
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