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Rant ! ebarbershop.com

What's up with some companies ? We all know you're in the business to make money but why would you cheap out in $0.05 cents maybe $0.04 ? Not including a orifice stopper is just ridiculous.Plus your AF Lilac smells like NOTHING,just a purple water with no use for.No more !!! :thumbdown Try pour the contents of that bottle in your hands !!! Goes all over the floor,unless you mop the floor with your face this is no good.

Price:$8.95 + $4.95 shipping on Amazon


Price $3.00 + Tax at Walgreens with stopper.
If you run into another brand of AS with no stopper that you like,use your finger over the mouth of the bottle to control the flow.
From now on I ask if the bottle has a stopper.Don't care if I like it or not.I will stop supporting cheap vendors trying to save 3 to 5 cents.
Personal preference is personal preference. I had the same reaction when I bought their bay rum a few years back. I recanted it and used it in a Royall bottle.
I just got a bottle of Dominca Bay Rum...no stopper. It came with instructions...essentially: cover bottle with thumb and move thumb slightly to dispense drops as required. Not a big deal, not rocket surgery...
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