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Ahoy hoy from England!

Yo, newb to the forum here!

Been traditionally shaving with Cut Throat razors for some time now with great pleasure and showing up to say hi and learn about double edge safety razors and the odd bit about cut throats I'm sure there is left to absorb. :)

Howdy, Samon! It's good to have you here with us. Head on over to the Hall of Fame to introduce yourself and your shaving set up to everyone here, and the Brotherhood of British Shavers to swell our ranks a little bit more.
B&B is a wealth of shaving information, I've no doubt you'll find out everything you wanted to know and then countless other things on top of that. Happy shaving!

Hello and welcome, Samon. Great to have you here on B&B. Wander on over to the Hall of Fame and introduce yourself.
Welcome! I'm jealous of your £0.49 Tesco Palmolive sticks! They're $4 (£2.60) here.

Lol they certainly are cheap! bloody fine bit of soap too, they are my main go to's. I stocked up and bought 10? when I started, still got loads left.

Not sure of the origin of the brand but tesco is our version of the Us super store K-mart. Must be a UK/locally produced soap then if they cost that much for you guys..
Yo, newb to the forum here!

Been traditionally shaving with Cut Throat razors for some time now with great pleasure and showing up to say hi and learn about double edge safety razors and the odd bit about cut throats I'm sure there is left to absorb. :)

What would you like to know about DE RAZORS?
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