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Rattlesnake pops up at a California sheriffs station

I think they tend to be more of a liability to pets because I rarely hear about people getting bitten. Dogs are always getting bit around where I live, usually by copperheads though.
Yea you are right. I think they are going to people's homes to search for food and water. They encounter pets and some snakes are supposedly drinking pool water as well.
Such a fuss over a little ol' three foot rattler. Try an Eastern Diamondback. The longest official length is a little over eight feet. That said, we've seen them extending from the center line to the edge-of-pavement line on the highways, a distance of twelve feet. That's unofficial, mind you.

OTOH, it was a much smaller Timber Rattler, IIRC, that caused a classmate to lose a foot. Timber Rattlers, like Cottonmouths, have an attitude. The worst, though, is the little Coral Snake.
Our neighborhood has been overrun with skunks lately for pretty much the same reason, two of my dogs got sprayed pretty badly... and my daughter got a fright on her way home from school when she spotted a snake, but further research revealed it was a garter snake.
I actually am kind of terrified of snakes. Hopefully they don't pop up where I'm at.

They were just rat snakes, but we've had two come into a house we rented once. OTOH, we had tiny snake by the file cabinets at work, and it struck at the woman who didn't notice it and went to open the drawer. However, it was clearly a rattlesnake that crawled into the warehouse one day.
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