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HEY KJ ( the Vez2 ) This is for you. Gardening in AZ in the summer

After spending the morning searching the Soap thread for KJ's bingo game words, decided to go out and water the garden. Now, Gardening in AZ in the Summertime is interesting at best. Surface of the sun temps, and all kinds of critters that either stick, sting, or bite.

This poor guy was cruising through the garden and got himself caught in the bird netting, and the more he moved the tighter it became and was slowly suffocating himself. Really don't know how long he had been there, but he had damaged some scales, was bleeding and the local ant population determined he might be a meal.

Well, 30-45 minutes later with some careful handling and a real sharp pair of scissors he was free of the net. Gave him a good once over, washed him off, gave him a drink and set him on the porch. Thinking he would bolt off very quickly as the racers are very fast, he just sat there regarding me for about 10 minutes. I smoked a cigarette, had some coffee and we just both enjoyed the shade of the patio,

About 5 minutes later he slithered through a bucket of water I had set out, splashed a bit and then tore off through the back yard, but stopped for a sec as he noticed I was following him, as if to say 'Dude, thanks for freeing me, but I will still bite you" and proceeding to go under the shed, presumably his new home.

So he now joins Frank, who we now think may be Francine, a California King snake, 2 smaller California Kings ( hence the Francine assumption) and Oscar who is a rather attitude driven Bull Snake that shows up on our driveway every other night or so. Along with various other critters, we have quite the menagerie in our back yard, inlcuding the snakes, tarantulas, various lizards, quail, round tail ground squirrels, and other larger game that will show up from time to time, like Coyote, bobcat, javelina, and a cougar every now and then.

The snakes live rent free, since they keep the pack rat and rattlesnake population down ( Francine's Specialty ) so feel like we did our good deed for this fine Sunday. This guy was about 6.5 ft. Just another day on the outskirts of Tucson

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Sounds like you've got a nice yard going. I spent a few years in Ajo and I kind of miss the snakes. The rattlers aren't nearly as threatening when there's no tall grass for them to hide in.

I had to laugh at the "attitude driven Bull Snake." Every Bull Snake I've ever met was fairly surly.
Sounds like you've got a nice yard going. I spent a few years in Ajo and I kind of miss the snakes. The rattlers aren't nearly as threatening when there's no tall grass for them to hide in.

I had to laugh at the "attitude driven Bull Snake." Every Bull Snake I've ever met was fairly surly.

Yes, I think they are born with a complex since they look like a rattler, but dont have the Moxi, so they make up for it in attitude, the one in our yard will curl up and shake his tail with no rattles. As a joke last year my SWMBO went outside with a baby rattle and messed with him everytime he shook his tail, I think it was an ego booster for him LOL


Here I am, 1st again.
I consider you lucky to have all that wildlife.

About all I see is squirrels.

I don't see much wildlife.

But the poisons are less, because they aren't used as much these days.
While I can understand the attraction of keeping the rattlesnake population down. If I saw that abomination in my garden, I'd be all...

My wife saw a pretty large Cal King when we were camping up in Cottonwood last weekend. We were fishing down by the river and he crossed the trail down to the banks right when she was getting ready to head back up it. Probably around 6 feet by her description. She was pretty much ready to be done camping at that point. I never saw it, but it was sure making a lot of noise in the brush next to the trail for about 20 minutes
My wife saw a pretty large Cal King when we were camping up in Cottonwood last weekend. We were fishing down by the river and he crossed the trail down to the banks right when she was getting ready to head back up it. Probably around 6 feet by her description. She was pretty much ready to be done camping at that point. I never saw it, but it was sure making a lot of noise in the brush next to the trail for about 20 minutes
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