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How do you eat these?


Please don't judge me! I figured this is a safe place to ask.

I have seen these head on prawns many times but have never tried them because I never knew how eat them. Do you peel them? Seems a waste of the seasoning, eat them whole? Usually prawn shell feel like finger nails.
A lot of these have amazing looking seasoning on the outside, seems a waste. I guess it is salted whole roasted peanuts.


I’m stumped
It gets all over your fingers when you remove the shell and a bit of the flavour then transfers to the praw you eat.
Pull them apart where the head meets the body and try to get as much as you can to pull out of the head portion ( wiggling seems to work best). Peel and eat the tail, then slightly squeeze the head and suck out the good stuff that resides in the head.


"A Boy Named Sue"
Pull them apart where the head meets the body and try to get as much as you can to pull out of the head portion ( wiggling seems to work best). Peel and eat the tail, then slightly squeeze the head and suck out the good stuff that resides in the head.

Now we're getting into crawfish territory.
Pull them apart where the head meets the body and try to get as much as you can to pull out of the head portion ( wiggling seems to work best). Peel and eat the tail, then slightly squeeze the head and suck out the good stuff that resides in the head.
Exactly, that's how I eat them as well.
Video was about just the heads.

So if they are fried you eat the whole thing? Now I'm back to the OP.

I'm pretty sure they peel the shell off of the heads before frying. I would just go for the peel and suck method, and maybe experiment if they look like they've been fried. You'll know pretty quick if they're edible or need to be peeled first.
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