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New to Badger and Blade

Good morning, gentleman. My name is Nic and I'm from St. Louis, MO. I recently went back to DE shaving after shaving for years with a cheapie Gillette drug-store DE razor in my early twenties. I don't know why I ditched the DE so long ago, but my electric shaver and multiblade cartridge razors have not been kind to my face!

At the beginning of the year, I decided to grow a handlebar mustache, which required me to shave more area than I have needed to in some time. I was using an electric razor, and was having problems with ingrown hairs and razor burn. I started researching online and became a regular "lurker" to this site, which has been a revelation for someone who has sensitive skin.

Currently, I'm set up with a Merkur 34C, been alternating between Mitchell's Wool Fat Soap and Men's Shave Soap Company's Himalaya Soap, using Astra and Derby blades, with a nice Omega starter boar brush. My shaves have been the best I ever have had, and my skin tone and ingrown hairs are much improved over the last month of shaving.

At any rate, after browsing the site for awhile now, I wanted to become a part of this great community of wetshavers. Thanks to all who contribute, and I look forward to being a part of the Badger and Blade forums.

Here's a pic of me with my handlebar, after a fresh shave.
View attachment 568474

Very exquisite pic
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