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Feather blade disposal case ?

I still haven't gotten an answer from the seller on Amazon, so I'm going to ask here like I probably should have done in the first place: is it possible to put DE blades in the Feather blade disposal case? All the listings on eBay and Amazon say that it's for blades of the styling razor, but it looks like it can fit DE blades, too. Is it possible to open the case when it's almost full? I would like to use this one for now because it's more convenient, then dump the blades in one of my medicine bottles and throw that away after the disposal case is full. I figure this would be a lot safer as well, because last year when I went home for Xmas my brother thought that the bottle contained weed and almost put broken blades in his pipe, which would not have been a problem if I'd had a case that was clearly labeled.

I figure this would be a lot safer as well, because last year when I went home for Xmas my brother thought that the bottle contained weed and almost put broken blades in his pipe, which would not have been a problem if I'd had a case that was clearly labeled.

that is too funny.

sorry, no answer. About the blade bank.... Way too funny.
Save your money. I used art that was made available by another B & B member, used a sharp pointed carbon steel knife to poke a slit in a beef broth can, and printed the affixed Ptouch labels. Just like my supplies collection, the blade bank will probably outlive me.
I kindly asked at my local pharmacy if they could collect my blades. The pharmacist didn't know at first what to do, but then agreed it was potentially harmful.

So he gave me one of those sharp containers free of charge :

Once it's full, I just have to bring it back to the pharmacy and they will safely dispose of the bin.

I'm sure I will never be able to fill that up in my lifetime. I'm 33.
I bought this little fellow - Listerine, 30s on that auction site. It is tremendously handsome.

However, it doesn't open, so every couple of weeks I shake the used blades out and carefully put them into a hidden Starbucks Doubleshot can. Nutty, I admit, but I am kind of a fanatic about how my countertop looks, so no home-made blade banks for me.

Some of these blade banks open on the bottom, and some do not. I have the 2$ version mentioned previously and the bottom comes off.
I just use the white plastic cases which the blades come from. I know derby and feather sells them in a plastic tuck which can then be use to store spent blades. Once I cannot fit any more in the bottom and top, I get rid of them and go to the next one. The bottom section can store at least 10 spent blades and the top part even more.
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