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After 30 years I finally enjoy shaving.

Hello All,

I started wet shaving with a DE about 7 weeks ago and started reading B&B a few weeks before that. I am 100% certain that having B&B as a resource has contributed mightily to the excellent experience I had switching from the carts and electrics I had been using for 30 years. The reviews, tutorials, wiki and discussions have been indispensible for this beginner to hit the ground running. Honestly, for most of my life I've hated shaving almost as much as I've disliked having a beard, but now I look forward it.

The funniest thing is that I've been able to change a dreaded chore to one of life's pleasures with only the most modest initial investment. I started out with less than 25$ into a weishi and VDH set. Since then I've only added some Nivea Sensitive PSB and a big styptic pencil. I've also got an order in for 100 Astra's and a tube of Proraso Green. I've been reading about all the wonderful software and razors that are so tempting, but honestly, if shaving never got better than what I have now, I'd still be a very happy fellow.

Thanks to all in B&B for sharing their knowledge and insight. It has helped me unlock another of life's pleasures and for that I am truly grateful. I'm looking forward to hearing all your continued adventures and sharing a few of my own.

Greetings and welcome to the forum. Very happy to hear that you have discovered the pleasure of wet shaving.
Enjoy the journey! :)
:thumbup1: Hello and welcome! I posted a similar thread when I de-lurked on this site. Thanks for sharing your experience! I also got the VDH set...though the brush isn't broken in. (I bought a really nice Simpson brush during my first bout with AD...)
Welcome, Chris! B&B is a fine bunch of helpful gentlemen.

I hated shaving for the better part of 40 years until I (re)discovered DE a few years ago. Now I'm making up for lost time--I think I must have a soap or a cream for every can of Barbisol I ever used. :lol:

The funniest thing is that I've been able to change a dreaded chore to one of life's pleasures with only the most modest initial investment. I started out with less than 25$ into a weishi and VDH set. Since then I've only added some Nivea Sensitive PSB and a big styptic pencil. I've also got an order in for 100 Astra's and a tube of Proraso Green. I've been reading about all the wonderful software and razors that are so tempting, but honestly, if shaving never got better than what I have now, I'd still be a very happy fellow.

Chris, my man, now it's time to start indulging yourself. :w00t:
Welcome Zergo! I share damn near the exact same experience as you. Same age, same starter set. I am right there with ya man! Here is to discovering one of the finer things in life! Cheers!
:thumbup1: Hello and welcome! I posted a similar thread when I de-lurked on this site. Thanks for sharing your experience! I also got the VDH set...though the brush isn't broken in. (I bought a really nice Simpson brush during my first bout with AD...)

Thanks. I'm enjoying feeling the changes to the VDH brush as it breaks in. I know I'll be getting more brushes eventually, but this one is growing on me. Those Simpsons look really nice:thumbup1:
Very good start, and refreshing simplicity! It's only shaving, but you have the tools to turn a dreaded chore into a simple pleasure!
Welcome and continued success.
I feel exactly the same way and after a comparable number of decades as well. I even started with DE but gave it up because I never learned properly the first time.
Welcome to B&B! Your story is a carbon copy of many of us here. Duped by decades of marketing by those that make cartridge systems, only to find enlightenment in the form of a double edge razor!

Enjoy the ride! If you're like most of us, you won't look back.
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