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Reason for leaving Cartridge razors?

Frankly, I never shaved properly before I started DE shaving. I used the shave gel and a cartridge, but that isn't proper shaving. In many areas of my life I have moved back toward the basics. I like the idea of reconnecting with an time period that predates me to see what I can learn from it. In lieu of watching shows that aired before I was born, this is a method I have chosen to connect with it... I like ink pens, automatic or manual watches, paper, calling cards and wet shaving.

That's one of the reasons I left cartridge shaving.

Less irritation
Lower cost
Way cooler to DE shave
a huge part of my life changed from necessity to fun
I can use aftershave now because the shave leaves me less irritated and the scents don't bother my skin!
Shave soaps!!!
Lilac Vegetal!!!!
I have not really left them; at least not to the point of throwing them away. I still keep some Trac II and an Atra handle around. It started when, after getting frustrated with trying to get to the store and buy some blades, I investigated and rejected Dollar Shave Club. Then I ordered huge bulks of Trac II compatible blades. In the process I stumbled across DE and investigated that. Now I have lots of Barbasol, lots of Trac II cartridges, and lots of DE stuff.
I had a less than mediocre experience "upgrading" from Trac II to Atra back in the 1980s. Thereafter I stayed off Gillette's unending treadmill of ever costlier cartridge systems. Trac II and generic twin pivots are cheap. So too is Barbasol, and a can lasts nearly two years if you use it sparingly, so cost was never really a factor. I simply took the preparation and stocking-up a step further and made a daily routine, which I sometimes carried out haphazardly on old dull cartridges, into a hobby of sorts. If I get in a hurry, I can return to goo and cartridges very conveniently.
There still are some Good News and Trac's that can be found in my cabinet, but I switched over to DE mainly because I was on a quest fro a better shave and willing to try anything. Secondly I'm cheap. Very, very cheap. And lastly, since my mind and my shopping habits are back in war time era, why not shave that way too right?
I enjoy the retro/nostalgic aspect of it, but also it's far cheaper and gives a better shave (no rash or ingrown hairs - something I was always having to deal with using multiblade cartridge razors). Then the absurd cost of cartridge razors. No thanks. I get four shaves out of a 10 cent DE blade... I use Arko and face-lather, something that I also really enjoy. :thumbup:

I use one razor, one brush and one soap. I shave 7 days a week. I thoroughly enjoy and look forward to each day's shave now. Prior to discovering DE shaving I hated it and shaved only when absolutely necessary.
Let's face it, carts are used by 90% of the population because they are passable but I think 3rd world countries still have the DE dominating its market.

DE shaves last longer but also take longer. If I'm running late in the morning with 5 mins to spare, then it has to be a Cart for me.

I also keep carts for traveling because u can't take DE blades on a plane. For travel, a good cart like a Sensor or maybe a Schick with an Arko stick does the job well
Cost brought me to DEs. I didn't experience a good shave unto I discovered SEs a couple years later. SE shaving is even cheaper and that is a bonus. $10-20 razors and blades that last 3-4 times as much as a DE blade-- a no brainer.
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I'm in the minority here, I guess, but I actually got very good shaves with a Mach 3 and then a Fusion...no irritation, no razor burn, and a close shave. What made me look for alternatives was the increasing price of cartridges. Of course, as some have mentioned, since I got into DE razors, I've spent enough on razors and accessories to buy cartridges for several years!
I pretty much fell into it by chance/word of mouth. I gravitated into an AoS store just before I was about to leave a mall. I walked in, ended up talking to the manager for about an hour. I left the store with a safety razor (payed way too much), 4-5 packs of blades and an AoS starter kit.

I am NOT saving money and that is perfectly fine with me. That was not why or how I came to know this contemporary, alternative world of shaving.

Prior to using DE razors, I had been using plastic disposables/canned shave gel for at least 10 years. I am/was, for the most part a very methodical shaver. Always shaved with 2 passes: WTG and ATG. Focused on good prep, etc.

I now take a much greater pride in my shaving since delving into the "classic wet-shaving" world. I wish I had known/learned much sooner.

1- Better quality shaves: closer and healthier.
2- Much greater variety of products: razors, creams/soaps/croaps, brushes, etc......
3- More focus on beard area skin care - AS balms etc.
4- It can be a hobby. Which is pretty much where I am now.

There's no going back for me. I may use a disposable razor/canned gel if necessary, but I will never view that convenience as such.
Dissatisfaction with cartridges was what led me back to DE razors. I had lathered with a brush and cream for many years and then shaved with a cartridge so the change wasn't huge for me. The benefits have been better shaves, healthier skin and not having to pay for cartridges (even though I am probably not saving money overall).
Well the Micro Touch One sucked me with the "CHEAPER" way of shaving. Caught my self applying cart pressure and finished nice and red :blushing: with the Dorco blades the Razor one comes with which almost made me ditch it and go back to carts. Instead I researched on youtube on proper ways of DE shaving and found Nick Shaves.... Dude is a beast on reviews.... through his videos got me to sample some top blades, some soaps. Then I noticed that Nicks taste are very similar to my taste so I purchased all his favorites, the merkur 34c, Catie's Bubbles lpv, personna blades,Nivea Post shave sensitive, and a semogue boar as well as Listened to his tips. Best shaves ever! 2 months in and I am now obsessed!!! The Cheaper way of shaving has now become an expensive hobby I enjoy. I recently bought a Gillette Travel Tech, Fatboy D4, Fatboy E1 and Iam hawking down one of those STEALTHS!! :shaving:
New to DE shaving but used carts (mostly Mach 3) for thirty odd years.

I changed because the M3 carts simply do not seem to last these days, and I wonder if the quality has been allowed to drop to promote the latest whiz bang 5 bladed carts? Plus there is the cost of carts..well is not really the cost, but the perceived lack of value: I hate feeling I've been ripped off..

To be honest though, with a new Mach3 cart, I can get an excellent shave with no razor burn and not fuss and I can do it quickly..I also can't remember the last time I nicked myelf with a Mach3..

I am no where near that stage with a DE yet, but I have learned a few things that I will continue to do wither using a cart or DE..

To be honest, I don't want DE shaving to be an all consuming hobby..I just want to get a good shave and appreciate the extra clean/close feeling of the whole process and to be able to achieve that with a minimum of blood letting and a reasonable time frame.
Most leave because of cost.

Myself, I started shaving before cart razors came on the market so my choices were DE, SE, Injector, or straight razors.

My father used a DE so this is what I started with.

Back then, shaving was something you DID, not enjoyed, so as long as I got a close, clean, shave that was all I was interested in.
Could never get a decent shave with a cart or electric. Tried every model, 2,3,5 blade. Always razor burn. Always 5 o'clock shadow by 2..
I switched to a DE when I shaved off a beard and discovered that my mach 3 would not cut the thick stubble on my chin. All it did was pull.
For me it was a combination of cost, and connecting with my son in law who is an avid DE shaver. I am blessed with not having AD, so it really has been a cost saver plus the shave is simply better.
I quit using them because I would go unshaven through the week and then shave on Saturday. The cartridge would pull and clog, so I would have to get out my clippers and do a pre-shave trim. I bought a straight razor at first, but didn't have the guts to do anything but the flats on my cheeks. So I whimped out and bought a DE razor. And I've been shaving happily ever after.
It wasn't the cost that made me try DE shaving, though I always thought cartridges were stupid expensive. Instead I liked the idea of going back to a method that hadn't actually been improved upon, and that (at this point at least) wasn't part of a disposable, marketing-driven culture. Reading about DE shaving being better for your skin and more effective was probably the final incentive for me. I'd already learned that other things which take a bit more time and care can lead to better results and be more satisfying, so I hoped for the same with wet shaving.

It's certainly turned to out to be true: my skin is indeed in much better shape, and I enjoy the hobby more than I expected. Lathering up a nice-smelling soap, feeling a good brush on the face, then getting a great shave from a blade based on technique I've taken the time to acquire: it's very pleasurable and very satisfying.

Now my problem is the pile of shave soaps growing in my bathroom. And all the soaps I still want to try. It's absurd. :001_smile

I get awesome shaves with my Gillette Sensor XL, Mach 3, and Schick Quattro cartridges but replacement cost was really high...and I considered myself lucky to get 7 - 10 shaves before a new catridge was needed.
I was searching for the best shaving methods for sensitive skins. I've got OK results with carts, but also got irritation, bumps, redness and all those problems.

I tried a brand new Braun Series 5 wet/dry shaver because I thought it would be great for sensitive skin, but it was a nightmare. I was only able to use it with gel/foam and it took about 15 minute to get an OK shave without too much irritation... Using it dry was not even an option for me.

Then I found about traditional shaving. Even with my limited knowledge on the matter, I get good to great results and my skin is in a better shape than before.
I was looking for a better shave. With carts I always struggled with razor burn and irritation. I had used shaving soap and a brush for years instead of canned goop so figured why not try more traditional. I tried DE shaving and haven't look back.

I get better shaves, no irritation, and shaving is now enjoyable instead of being a chore.
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