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Pomade Samples

+1 to Nick's suggestion. So far, DAX is the only place that will sell samples. I know Layrite sells 1oz travel tubs but from your other thread, your nephew has already tried it.

Be advised, sir, DAX products are all petroleum-based so they'll be a bit harder to wash out compared to Layrite or Suavecito!
Hmmmm, sounds like a new business opportunity: the pomade sampling service. Does it NOT yet exist? I'd be surprised -- seems like it should already be here on B&B. I'm ready. We're in a golden age moment of resurgence in interest in various traditional grooming and personal care products and there's new ones popping up like mushrooms, and grand old ones being reinvigorated, and I, for one, would totally be up for either getting a whole bunch of samples at once or, perhaps, one new one every week or two. Pomades, hair tonics, and who knows what else: toothpaste, aftershave/facial balms, razor blades, soaps, creams, aftershaves....

That's a business, right there -- someone please PM me and sell it to me, or start up the business, announce it here on B&B and give me credit for inspiring you!
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