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US customs - Buying straight razors from Europe

Dear B&B members,

I am planning to buy a straight razor from Europe and ship it to US. It's my first time doing it so I have no clues about the process.

Are there any kind of customs requirements/restrictions? Import taxes? What are the risks? Would you recommend it?

Thank you very much
No worries. I have shipped 2 DE's to Europe and 1 to New Zealand. I just list contents as "shaving supplies" and no worries. Process should be equally easy for stuff inbound to USA.

Good luck.
Coming from the us to the uk, if the amount stated in the value is below a certain figure, I think $20, then there is no problem, but if it is above that figure then it gets hit hard by a tax of around 20% plus a handling fee of around 15$

Is there an equivalent going the other way then?


Ask me about shaving naked!
If it has genuine ivory or tortoise scales, there could be an issue if they find it, but not for ordinary razors for personal use.

Cheers, Steve
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