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coffeecycle22's Entry to the Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame Entry
What is your real name?
Parents named me Darren
What are your nicknames/aliases?
But everyone calls me Chester
Where do you live?
SunhineCoast, Queensland Australia
What is your age (or) generation?
What are you in the real world?
FireFighter and specialty Coffee Roaster
What is your favorite shave setup?
Just bought an Ikon DLC OSS, Shavemac Silvertip brush, Mitchell's wool Fat soap and a starter set of blades.
What are your hobbies and favorite activities?
I am a climber/mountaineer, road cyclist, kayaker. With a passion for all things coffee.
What else should the members of B&B know about you?
I am an upfront, honesty is the only policy type of guy with an OCD personality with the things I participate in.
Hello and welcome to B&B, Darren/Chester. This is a great forum full of friendly, helpful shavers. You'll learn a lot here.
Thanks for the warm welcome, appreciated. (some of the coffee forums aren't so welcoming to newbs) Looking to learn some basics first, so as to avoid to much bleeding on my initial shaving effort with the new set up.

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