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Would you use a second hand brush - just curious.

Most of my dinnerware has touched blood... I have some crazy dinner parties. =D

I was thinking more of places like Denny's.
Thankfully I don't think about the appearance of some of the other patrons and make the connection that they may have been using my fork that morning.
I personally don't feel there is anything on a second hand brush that is worse than what might have been on the hair of the boar or badger before it went to the first user.
They managed to clean that hair pretty well and you'll use it even though while on the animal the hair was exposed to bugs, lice, ticks, blood, feces, bodily fluids etc.
I'm thinking it's probably less of a chore to clean a second hand brush because it's been exposed to soap and water more frequently than a new brush was.


All natural hair brushes are used. An animal had the bristles first, be it boar, badger or unicorn!
And I'm surprised we haven't seen it yet, normally by now someone posts a link to "Barber's Itch"...
Keep in mind that was from a time when the same equipment was used on multiple customers in the same day.
Transmission of skin conditions such as cellulitis was not uncommon.
The more well-to-do customers had their own brush and mug that the barber stored for them... that is the origin of the vocational mug.


Pretty Pink Fairy Princess.
Remember that, unless you reside in the Antarctic or a hermetically sealed bubble, you are breathing in the common cold viruses 24/7
If hand washing your flatware and plates, etc after guests eat off of them is good enough for you, the same dishwashing detergent should be good enough to thoroughly clean your brush. But, it's your face you're applying the brush to, so do what you must.
+1 this is the exact point i planned to make. If you touch door handles or money with your hands then a washed shaving brush should be nothing to you.
Nothing in our homes is sterile.
Very few human pathogens can survive more than 2 weeks outside of the body. The possibility of running into those is so remote that if you are concerned about it, then you likewise should never eat anywhere but home and should never come into physical contact with another living being.
You are not using the brush to perform surgery.
It is not being applied to open wounds.
It is applying SOAP!

Give it a good cleaning in Dawn, allow it to dry for 2 weeks if you REALLY want to be OCD about it.
Enjoy your brush.

If the knot is still usable, then USE it.
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