How does the Rooney 3/1 compare to the Duke 3?
How does the Rooney 3/1 compare to the Duke 3?
What would be an ideal rooney face lathering brush similar to the D3 dimensions and characteristics except softer?
Rooney 1/2 is the brush you want...$99
Wetfred-Gotta ask you, is that Kenny F'n Powers?!!!
Ok, back to brushes. One of the things I wished I had jumped into was a better brush at the START of my wetshaving odyssey. Looking at a Rooney in the future, so I appreciate the learning thru your post
Just got my brush in from Gareth at the handlebar supply, with a nice hand written note on the invoice, and some Sample Geo F Trumper Cream samples. Box sticker and invoice all point to a Stubby, and not a Stubby XL. I will follow up with caliper measurements after Santa brings them .and photos well, might have to wait a while on that. SBAD kicked me up and down the street this year and I need to throttle back, I gave the brush to SWMBO to give to me some time in 2014.+1, they're definitely the xl series. The knots are a good 5ml wider than the typical stubby series.
I'd jump in a heartbeat if i could find a 3/1 with the old lettering. Something about the new loopy style that throws me off.
^ I believe all the "Heritage" line brushes now have the BLOCK lettering.
It's not old stock or old hair, just the way they make that line of brushes. Unlike the normal line (lower end if you will) which as the script lettering.
A great looking brush and I'm sure a great performing brush, regardless.
That would certainly be logical. Any ideas on why the handle is different? Feels nice in the hand, so it doesn't matter, but I'm still curious!
Weird. My stubby just has one ring. I like the look of that one better than mineI got a Rooney Stubby 2 recently from Handlebar Supply; it too has the block lettering. I can't figure out if it's new or old or really much of anything. It has a handle with 3 rings which, as far as I can tell, is unlike older Stubbys which have 1 ring and the XLs that have 2.
So new handle but old text?I really have no idea, but it's a nice brush!
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First came the single ring. Everybody used one. Then some marketing genius thought, "let's go up to two rings; the first ring is for style, the second provides a better grip." A great seller. Then another marketing guy suggested three rings for "an even better grip, which will help lather up more hairs than a two-." Next comes the four- and five-ring circus.