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Morris & Forndran "Disco" 2XL Heritage Hair


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I am not one for staring threads on my new brushes, but this one is not just any brush to me....

Little did I know when I traded away my last M&F Moonjava Brush that our 6y old son was so attached to it. A few weeks after it left, maybe longer, he came out from the bathroom where he brushes his teeth at night crying and sobbing because I had sold off the brush he so admired and I told him I would do my best to get a new one.

Obviously this has been eating at me and I have been doing my best to acquire a new one for him and us, as he liked to use it on his "Fun Shaves". But the Sabbatical has limited what I can do to obtain one. It was the only item I thought about breaking Sabbatical as I wanted to get one for him/us so badly. Luckily he grew fond of another brush but I knew deep down, it was not the "funky" brush he wanted. If he ever saw me looking online at brushes in Disco or Moonjava, he would immediately ask for it and I'd have to tell him "we'll get you one in a while, is that OK?" He always answered yes, but it was not a convincing "yes".

I've tried numerous WTT's, 3 way trades, came close a couple times to getting something suitable but nothing panned out....until the other day when a good standing B&B member who I talk with outside B&B regularly via email, contacted me about his 2XL Disco that he offered up to me in trade for one of the brushes he knew I had that was not being overly used. At first I was hesitant and dismissed it, then my sense took over and I replied back as fast as I could to work out the details.

In the end, I have in my possession a brush that is likely to not tickle everyone's fancy but it's one we will enjoy using and likely not leave my den. In fact, we all like it (even my wife) more then the Moonjava brush he so missed and my wife he thought the hair was better on this one when she brushed it on her hand/cheek

The knot is set perfectly, not visible glue, no glue bump, a touch of play between handle and knot when pressed and appears to be soft as a kitten. The handle is perfectly turned and shines bright and colourful. It's Disco material, 2XL handle size, Hybrid knot, 2 Band Heritage hair with nice gel tips.

Overall Height: 91.42
Handle Height: 44.71
Knot Loft: 46.71
Knot Diameter: 28.13

Rounding the corner on the way home Joni Mitchell "Big Yellow Taxi" was playing which I found it very fitting. As if I had I known he was so attached to the last Moonjava M&F, I would have never let it go...."Don't it always seem to go, That you don't know what you've got, 'Til its gone"

Lesson leaned: Ask my kids before selling or trading any more shave gear.

I present to you....the Disco 2XL :001_tt1:

and the icing on the cake and the why we do the things we do, our kids:
Some will say "it looks like a clown threw up", others will say it's hideous and some prefer all Ivory coloured...This guy thinks it looks awesome and that's good enough for me.:w00t:

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No tattoo mistakes!
Good on you. Stunning brush.

But I would have thought Sabbaticalians could buy goods to give as gifts.


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Austin Powers called...he wants his brush back :001_tt2:

Very nice score!

Groovy Baby $smiley_movie_austin_powers.gif

Good on you. Stunning brush.

But I would have thought Sabbaticalians could buy goods to give as gifts.

We can, but I know full well I'll be using it a lot too, so that would not have been right.
Nice looking brush, Bruce! I'm glad you were able to get something that worked out. Now some lather pics please.
Bruce I am an ivory man but I have to say that brush is absolutely gorgeous!!! I wish that my dad was old school. Best I could do is give him a bottle of RazoRock Baby Blue on his birthday. He said he loved it but said it would take him years to use it all. Anyway wonderful brush and I'm sure it has easily earned its seat in your rotation.
Well done in replacing your old moonjava brush with this beauty. They're going to be even harder to obtain as I understand it, Lee has not got any more stock left to make handles.
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