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Ear cleaning

Does anyone know an effective way to clean ears? I've been reading a lot of stuff on the net. Use olive oil, hydrogen peroxide etc.
My father in-law would only take showers. He got a bad case of impacted ear wax and the doctor gave him medicated drops for the immediate problem. He also told him to take a bath at least once a week (in addition to the regular showers) but while in the bath to submerge his head in the water so both ears were below water level and to relax and stay in that position for about 5 minutes.
The warm water would soften any wax buildup and allow it to drain out by gravity alone.
Of course, that only works for people who have NOT had their ear drums pierced/grommet-ed.
When I was about 13 I had really waxy ears.

The doctor gave me this stuff, I think it was hydrogen peroxide with some other stuff added, to break up the wax in my ears. I then used a little plunger type device to shoot a stream of lukewarm water into my ear to rinse it out.

Sounds gross, and it pretty much was, but it worked really well and the amount of wax that came out was amazing.

I think I saw something similar on the shelf of a pharmacy not long ago. You could try that if you really feel like you need some help. As I've gotten older my ears have calmed down, and I don't really need to do anything for them anymore. I try to rarely use q-tips, as they can actually be worse for your ears.
I've used some over the counter stuff which contained peroxide. I could hear i fizzing when I put it in, and did a good job of loosening up any wax.
I have had some trouble with blocked ears a while back. You can get them syringed, which will work well if you have severe blockage issues. Your hearing will be ridiculously good immediately after!. It is very easy to get infections if you are not careful though as the wax helps prevent dirt and so on from entering the ear.
I have used the little Dovo ear cleaner thing that costs a few bucks, works way better than Q-tips as it helps to remove excess wax rather than just pushing it to the sides or deeper in. Japanese ear spoons work the same way.
Ear Candles. Will melt ear wax in a jiffy.

I've had pretty bad ear wax for ages. One thing, and I cannot stress this enough, that is completely and utterly not recommended is ear candling.

I've always used the drops and bulb stuff they sold at CVS or Walgreens. However, I've been using just pure hydrogen peroxide and I think it does just about as well. Also, I got this syringe and the results have been much better:


I've actually gotten ear lavages at the doctor's office when the blockage has been really bad and this syringe is essentially the home version of what they use.

One note: use the same temperature water as the inside of your ear (basically body temp). Otherwise the difference in temperatures can cause dizzyness as it affects your balance.
I just use pure Hydrogen Peroxide (3% concentration).
I simply use an eyedropper, lie on the couch and put 3 to 4 drops in my ear. You immediately hear the peroxide working. Its weird but it works. I stay maybe 5-10 minutes laying down on my side so the peroxide really goes down in my ear. Then, I stand up and tilt my head in order to make the drops get out of my ear (using a tissue).

Repeat for other ear.

Or if you only have a mild blocking, you can mix in an equal portion of peroxide and water. It will give you a more gentle solution to start with.
I just use pure Hydrogen Peroxide (3% concentration).
I simply use an eyedropper, lie on the couch and put 3 to 4 drops in my ear. You immediately hear the peroxide working. Its weird but it works. I stay maybe 5-10 minutes laying down on my side so the peroxide really goes down in my ear. Then, I stand up and tilt my head in order to make the drops get out of my ear (using a tissue).

Yeah, in a way I like the sound, because obviously its working!
I just use pure Hydrogen Peroxide (3% concentration).
I simply use an eyedropper, lie on the couch and put 3 to 4 drops in my ear. You immediately hear the peroxide working. Its weird but it works. I stay maybe 5-10 minutes laying down on my side so the peroxide really goes down in my ear. Then, I stand up and tilt my head in order to make the drops get out of my ear (using a tissue).

Repeat for other ear.

Or if you only have a mild blocking, you can mix in an equal portion of peroxide and water. It will give you a more gentle solution to start with.


Just avoid q-tips. If I was paid hourly for all the time I spent clearing impacted wax because people treated their auditory canals like muskets, I would be retired.
I use to use the bulb syringe while taking a shower to clean out wax when necessary. I tended to overuse it though until it went missing a few years ago. Not sure if the kid or the wife took it for whatever reason. I haven't had an issue since them but have had the doctor syringe it out twice when it was completely impacted.
They sell a kit with drops in it, and a turkey baster thing to irrigate it out of there. It works. Sometimes you have a big piece up in there. The drops make the wax release from the canal walls, and water washes it out (with the turkey baster thing).

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
I just use pure Hydrogen Peroxide (3% concentration).
I simply use an eyedropper, lie on the couch and put 3 to 4 drops in my ear. You immediately hear the peroxide working. Its weird but it works. I stay maybe 5-10 minutes laying down on my side so the peroxide really goes down in my ear. Then, I stand up and tilt my head in order to make the drops get out of my ear (using a tissue).

Repeat for other ear.

Or if you only have a mild blocking, you can mix in an equal portion of peroxide and water. It will give you a more gentle solution to start with.
...that's what I use because that's what my Mom used with me and my siblings. Your'e right, it feels like 'foam' is in your ears...but it really works and afterward, I use warm water to irrigate my ears using an ear irrigation bulb syringe. :thumbsup:

"Better keep [your ears] clean; you are the window through which you must [hear] the world". George Bernard Shaw
Peroxide or olive oil. This was told to me by my Doctor. Of course, she followed it up with 'Q-tips are awful...but I use them after every shower too'.
Candling is NOT a good idea. If you have trouble with your hearing because of wax, GO TO A DOCTOR. If you're just asking about daily cleaning, GO TO A DOCTOR!
I do use Q-tips, but not the best idea to be honest and you really should just use them in the outer part of your ear. I've had trouble with earwax all my life and used to get ear infections regularly; mainly after swimming. I find hydrogen peroxide works pretty well. I'll use it once a day for several days and then flush my ears with the bulb and warm water. I've found the Similasan drops also work okay to soften the wax so you can flush it out.
I wear aids in both ears so wax can get to be an issue. I mix peroxide with warm water to make a lukewarm mixture and squirt it in there as forcefully as a lavage syringe will do it. Make sure you are sitting down because it can cause vertigo. I do this two or three times a week and never see any buildup.
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