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Shave at night?

I only shave at night for two reasons. 1; I don't have time in the morning before work, I am not a morning person... 2; Because I get a bbs/dfs every time, I have no need to shave in the morning. By morning my face is still smooth and ready for the day.
I have the luxury of being able to shave at night because my facial hair grows so slowly that if I shave 3 times in a week that is a busy week!
My facial hair does grows moderately quick, but I have gotten a few night shaves in there. You'll get a better shave most likely because you're not in a rush, and you shouldn't have stubble atleast till you get off work the next day. If you're in a rush and simply wind up with a SAS in the morning, that 5 o'clock shadow look is only going to come back all the faster.

I'm pretty new to wetshaving and I would normally shave midday most of the summer, I work part time evening shifts year round, but I'm a full time student for fall and spring semesters, now that the fall semester has started up, I'm giving morning shaves their first shot with the wetshaving routine. I find that I need to grab one of my razors I know is reliable when I'm rushing in the morning, such as my schick injector or my first DE- a merkur 1904.

YMMV, in the end it's you're decision! But don't be shy to trying night shaves, they're more relaxing, morning shaves are more refreshing/revitalizing, expecially if you follow up with a nice AS.
Shaving at night is relaxing. I know I have time at night and while I can speed through it in the morning, why do it when you don't have to?
I love shaving at night. More time to enjoy the experience. Plus, as mentioned, there is no reason you can't slap on a little splash in the morning as an eye-opener.
I shave after a shower in the evenings quite a lot, as I have to get up at 04:30 for work.
I find that a 3 pass shave the previous evening lasts through the following day, so it's a no-brainer for me.
Being military, I'm expected to be cleanly shaven every morning. Not being a morning person, this has usually meant a rushed and hurried scraping at crazy early hours in the mornings. If I take up wet shaving regularly I intend to shave at night when I have the time and the patience. As my hair growth isn't extremely fast, I think this will suit the purpose and let me enjoy a new hobby. We'll see how it goes.
Shave when you feel like it.

I shave last thing at night fairly frequently - my wife seems to appreciate it a little more than my boss.

My dad always shaved at night for just this reason. I've always been expected to arrive at work clean shaven, and much of the time in a tie if not a jacket also.

With today's new "grunge look" being popular I could probably get away with it, but I'm a little old to change.
I shave at night for two reasons only:
1. when I am up the next morning before 0500. It gives me a few morning minutes in the rack.
2. When the Mrs. tells me that it would be in my best interest.
I like to enjoy my pipe/cigar a couple of fingers if scotch and then a good BBS with my straight all before bed. I am still smooth in the morning for work and most importantly the fregrance a of shaving and the smoothness are enjoyed by my wife. Like someone said earlier I shave for her not my boss!
I can barely function in the morning - so ! always shave in the evening
My beard does not grow too fast so i still look good for the next day
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