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British Aristocrat #15 and #20

Look at the center bar of each. #20 has little "wings"][ while #15 doesn't. Also according to Mr. Razor the inside of the handle of each may explain the weight difference. Also one of the knobs my be solid.

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Look at the center bar of each. #20 has little "wings"][ while #15 doesn't. Also according to Mr. Razor the inside of the handle of each may explain the weight difference.

The wings were a design change that happened during the run of the OC Aristocrat; there are No. 15s both with and without them. I would be very comfortable saying that the interior connection was the same, too.

Everything I've seen indicates that all of these various Aristocrat sets were the same razors just in different cases. It's always referred to just as the "Gillette 'one piece' Aristocrat" in ads from the period. The Australian price sheet that Achim has (below) even hangs the No. 20 set off of the No. 15's listing as almost an afterthought.

Both the #15 and #20 have wings on the center bar in Mr. Razor's pictures. The 1936 English Aristocrat (no number), plated in silver, has no wings in his pictures.
Also, the ad referenced by Porter shows the #15 OC and the #21 SB, not the #20 OC that OP was asking about. The ad does not show the comb/bar element. However, this is a distinction w/o a difference, in that Porter's point is valid either way.
​Never mind. I missed the bit about "No. 20 unillustrated."
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Porter nailed it, as always! The razors in my #15 and #20 sets look exactly the same and both have the wings in the center bar. The knurling on the handles are also the same.
Look at the center bar of each. #20 has little "wings"][ while #15 doesn't. Also according to Mr. Razor the inside of the handle of each may explain the weight difference. Also one of the knobs my be solid.

Wings? Are you specifying this part [ in yellow arrows ]---those are the screws to release the handle

$No15 - No20.jpg
No Alex. The center bar where the blades are inserted. The OTHER end:) I'm on my phone otherwise I'd copy & paste from Mr. Razor site the two differences.
Thanks for all the great information. It seems safe to say that shaving with a #20 will be the same experience as shaving with the #15.
But yours is called the number 15, it has it on your booklet....

Alex, it's not a booklet but a price insert. The 15 in the insert is not the model number but indicates the price of the set to be 15 shillings, as you can see in the Gillette advertisement for this set:
Alex, it's not a booklet but a price insert. The 15 in the insert is not the model number but indicates the price of the set to be 15 shillings, as you can see in the Gillette advertisement for this set:
OH, my bad, i should have known better...
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