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Popin A Belfort?

I found this yesterday at a flea market. The stamp says Popin A Belfort and it came in a wooden case. The wooden case has leather (so old and hard) on both sides and the case looks like a strop. The scales look like someone made them as a replacement which makes me think someone might have made the case as well. Does anyone know anything about the stamp Popin A Belfort?

I apologize for the bad photos. I'm using my cell.

$Popin A Belfort 1.jpg
$Popin A Belfort 2.jpg
Thanks! The W&B was in great shape so I couldn't pass it up. I did see a Henkels 7 day set with black scales but I wasn't willing to part with the amount of money they were asking for.

Antique Hoosier

Belfort A city of northeast France near the German-Swiss border. ... Belfort (bāfôr', bĕ-, bĕl-), city
Perhaps where your Rasoir was produced?
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