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Holy mother, Dr. Bronner blinded me

I don't know how many of you use Dr. Bronner's liquid peppermint oil soap, but a word to the wise: don't get this stuff in your eyes. Two days ago a drop of it splashed out of my palm and into my right eye, and it felt like a car battery had exploded in my face. Holy schnikes! The bottle says to rinse your eyes for fifteen minutes. Oh yes. Good soap, excellent torture tool.
I love that stuff. It is the perfect soap for those morning when it is especially difficult to get motivated. That will get you going.
Sorry to hear about your misfortune. :crying: It is great soap but it does do that to the eyes. I learned that early on as well.
Dilute!Dilute!Dilute! Watched a PBS special on the good doctor, bit of a nutbar, but the soaps, they are good.
Dr. Bronner's soaps are indeed interesting. I buy the peppermint soap by the gallon and split in amongst my kitchen, shower, laundry and misc. cleaning products. The soap actually does a pretty good job with dishes and leaves a nice scent when you add a bit to the washing machine.

Sometimes I feel a little strange using the same soap for my body, face, dishes and toilet...but I'm starting to get over it.

Anyone remember the old SNL skit about "Shimmer?" Its a floor polish and a dessert topping!
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