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Wacky Packages

Every now and then, I get an inquiry about the fine product featured in my sig line. Many people recognize it from the "Wacky Packages" and "Wacky Ads" line of bubblegum cards that were out in the 60's and 70's. These things were the delight of the neighborhood kids and the bane of our moms, if they ever found one stuck to something. Some were in hilariously bad taste.

Anyway, I've collected as many shaving-oriented ones as I can find on the 'net - purposely leaving out the later 80's and 90's "remake" cards such as Jailette Strike 3 or Krac II razors because they're cartridge razors and the card artwork is not done in the same freaky style as the earlier ones. In short, they sucked. Anyway, here they are.

Old Spit


Schtick blades


Rabid Shave


Skin Bruiser


Arise shaving foam


Weakinson blades


Shock blades


Electric Slave
Those are too cool. I remember as a kid walking to a little Mom & Pop IGA store to buy Wacky Packages. Those scans really bring back memories. Ah, the 70's.
Yes, I recall those fondly. One in particular. Whose double-entendre didn't hit me until about 5 years ago. So I'm very, very slow on the uptake.



Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
My daughter has a major league jones for these cards, and would be willing to pay for any vintage cards you guys may have.
My daughter has a major league jones for these cards, and would be willing to pay for any vintage cards you guys may have.

One time my brother bought an adult sized custom GT mountain bike in addition to the three he already owns. His reasoning was that it was for his daughter when she gets older. She was 6 at the time. You ain't fooling me Mr. Ouch.

Those cards are great!


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
One time my brother bought an adult sized custom GT mountain bike in addition to the three he already owns. His reasoning was that it was for his daughter when she gets older. She was 6 at the time. You ain't fooling me Mr. Ouch.

Those cards are great!

Normally, I'd agree, but she has a decent collection of the new ones.
My daughter has a major league jones for these cards, and would be willing to pay for any vintage cards you guys may have.

I have a small stack of these, and even a few of the cloth "cards" (patches?)

I'll take a look and see what I have.
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