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Feathers aren't sharp enough?

How come that when I used the feather blades that I still have stubble on my chin? Are there any blades that are sharper than feather? If so which ones?


Needs milk and a bidet!
none that i'm aware of. i'd suggest improving your technique. perhaps trying a XTG (across the grain) stroke. or a combination of WTG and XTG

I doubt it's the blade.
I have the same issue when it comes to my neck area. I tend to notice when I do an XTG motion on my second pass that it usually takes care of business. I urge you to use caution though since like with any stroke you can take off skin with the wrong angle, but I especially notice it with XTG passes.
i dont find the feathers to be anything special imo. and its not the technique at least i dont think so because i can get a bbs shave with many other blades the feather though just refuses to cut certain areas on my neck. those same areas with a different blade like a si or gsb are smooth as can be normally. maybe you have to alter your technique for a feather? not sure i shave the same as i do with any other blade when i have used a feather so maybe its the way i use the feather? again not sure.
don't blame the blade grasshopper - the sharpness of the blade is not the issue. work on your preparation/lather and technique. remember, shaving is removing the whiskers pass by pass. if you're not smooth after a single pass that is not unusual. after the second or third pass is when you will find shaving nirvana.

the chin is a difficult area to shave due to its curves and cartridges will find the right angle for you, DE razors leave it up to you.
i dont find the feathers to be anything special imo

+1. You have to find the right blade that works for you. I have several different blades which work for me and Feather is not one of them, so, I know, technique is not the issue, but it's a problem with the blade. As far as modern blades go, Feather may be the sharpest, but it isn't the smoothest. They can't compete with the current blade I'm using which are Personna 74's, but these are no longer made. I'm on my 18th shave with a single blade and it hasn't dulled.
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