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I'm one of the rare ones I guess. I got one razor, soap, brush that I use everyday. If I feel something else, then I go with that for awhile.
Bought Cella a loooong time ago - and hated it! Couldn't bowl lather it worth a d@mn. Then read Marco's Method. Used my cheapest, shortest-loft, no-name boar and did my first face lather. You can guess the rest....:thumbup:
The lather will be better if you move it to a larger tub.

OK -- today I bought a 2-cup Pyrex bowl with a snap-on lid, I guess this is about right.

So -- how do I do this? With a spoon? And flatten the soap out so as to follow the contour of the bowl???
OK -- today I bought a 2-cup Pyrex bowl with a snap-on lid, I guess this is about right.

So -- how do I do this? With a spoon? And flatten the soap out so as to follow the contour of the bowl???

Fingers worked fine for me. Just move a chunk at a time into the bottom and smush it in until you reach your preferred level of fullness. Or, if you have the red tub, just put it all in. It smushes really easily, just make it relatively flat on top and it will be fine.
So I got it all moved -- and it really DOES make a bigger, thicker lather out of the bigger bowl! Must have something to do with a larger surface area or something, but who cares! WOW!
Cella was recommended to me as a milder smelling soap
I'd be careful running with that recommendation. If you like the smell it might seem mild. It certainly won't seem mild if you don't like the scent. There's a ton of prior discussion on Cella's scent and preference for it is just as subjective/YMMV as any other scent.

So I got it all moved -- and it really DOES make a bigger, thicker lather out of the bigger bowl! Must have something to do with a larger surface area or something, but who cares! WOW!
It's easier with a bigger container but the same results could be achieved by loading more.
I'd be careful running with that recommendation. If you like the smell it might seem mild. It certainly won't seem mild if you don't like the scent. There's a ton of prior discussion on Cella's scent and preference for it is just as subjective/YMMV as any other scent.
Well, it showed up and I love the scent. I think we're good :)


Needs milk and a bidet!
looks like this


got a $25 amazon gift card yesterday and bought this exact thing. my mouth is watering to use it now!
I keep Cella in an Old Spice mug with a plastic lid from a frosting container on top. Now that the scent is dissapating a bit , I am picking up a bit of a vanilla scent.. Love it !!
Okay, closing the loop:

I did my first Cella shave this morning. It was not a Zen-like experience because I was in a rush, but I needed to shave and I wanted to use the Cella.

The product I got was the chunk'o'soap from Italian Barber. The container in which it arrived was a nice size, good enough to load up the bush and get my lather started. I think all things being equal I'd prefer a hard soap but this is how it's made so that's what I got. It was damned easy to smooth it into the bottom of the tub.

I still have not ended up as a 100% bowl or face latherer ... This morning was a face lather. Being a "croap" I found it very easy to load up on my Vie-Long horse hair. Lathering was effortless, as easy if not more so than Arko, but without the constant gagging. Being a wop I guessing am predisposed to loving the almond scent. I did find it light but as someone pointed out that's only if you like it. It reminded me of a bowl of home-made vanilla ice cream with Amaretto on it (something I recommend by the way).

Before long I looked like the Santa dude on the label, which is again better than the creepy Arko dude. It was a quick shave, two fast passes with a blade I should have changed before starting. The shave did not last all day. All of the shortcomings were my fault. The soap absolutely did its part though, protecting my face, a nice glide and cushion, and PLENTY of lather for another couple of passes were left. When I finished I could smell the almond faintly for a little while but the smell did not last ... Which I guess is good for those that want to smell like the fragrances they purchased and not their soap. Now I want Cella aftershave. Do they make that?

So, long story short, I like Cella. If I only had one soap left and it was this I'd be good with that.
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Just had my second shave with Cella. I had no problem making a long lasting and slick lather, but one has to take the time to build it right.
It has no Tetrasodium EDTA or other agent for binding ions in the water so I imagine people who have problem making lather got water issues.

The simple ingredient list and gentle face care properties make this a very good choice for me.

Bravo Cella!
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