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Last of the five with one last surprise

On an earlier thread, I showed what Oscar11 (Steve) had sent me and there were five handles to be completed with knots.


The first brush from that set.


The second brush from that set.


The third brush from that set.


The fourth brush from that set.


Now here is number five of the bunch. After all the other brushes, I would be remiss if I did not do a synthetic knot.

I took the 24 mm bore maple handle, a 23 mm Synthetic knot from The Golden Nib (TGN), and an item that is primarily used in leather crafting to place on the bottom to provide more weight and provide an additional point of interest.

I allowed the maple handle to soak overnight in Orange Oil. The next day, a carve out was made to accommodate the set screw and the post that is shown in the photo. The next step was to apply a very thin layer of cherry stain and protected the entire wood surface with Minwax® Polycrylic®. Another overnight drying session was in order.

The next day the bottom piece and the knot were secured using water proof epoxy.


Now what is the item at the bottom of the brush handle?

That will be revealed in a day or so.
What is on the bottom of the handle is a concho with the image of the tail of a Morgan Silver dollar.


For those who don't know what a concho is:


Here are some examples of conchos.


I saw this one in a hobby store and thought it would be much less expensive than a coin. With the set screw it should create a stronger hold to the handle using a carve out.
Oh, before I forget, thanks Steve (Oscar 11) for giving me the brush handles. The completed acrylic ones were easy to complete and the maple ones allowed me to add a different line of knots and added flair for the truly custom look.
This lathered up great today. 2 face passes and 1 head pass. Thick rich and consistent lather. Smooth application. A winner.

Gorgeous wood!

I like your ideas for handle bases - watch dial and concho. Adds that extra/personalized touch.
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