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Fatip - Need a bigger handle.

As recommended get yourself a 3rd party custom handle that is the length and weight you want.

OR get a Joris :smile:

I've been very happy with my Joris and the handle it came with (same head as a Fatip) but I am a big handle kind of guy.

I was looking for a replacement head for a Lord smart which has the same fitting as the one used by Muhle and I considered the Ikon Bulldog handle but it's staggeringly expensive for what it is and it's stainless steel which doesn't quite match a nickel plated head. I've ordered a Parker 97R which I got from the ebay for 16.95. It's a heavy weight item and should match well, I will used the Lord head in preference to the Parker one.
NOTE: These listings will change daily please see end of thread for updated list. So far this is the latest findings as of **August /25th /2012**....

1) Fatip Grande Nickel :
:thumbup: Do fits : 1) Tradere,2) Edwin Jagger DE8, 3) Gillette Fat Tech handle, 4) Gillette New Comb, 5) Weber Bulldog, 6) Weber classic, 7) UFO-Godzilla 8) Parker 91r
9) Parker 48r, 11)
Ikon Bulldog ( some members say it fits), 12) Gillette Old OC 1909 ABC Handle, 13) UFO Goliath Handle, 14) 7o'clock OC Handle(Made In England), 15) UFO/Kaiser
:thumbdown Do not fit :Ikon Bulldog, Muelle R41
2) Fatip Piccolo :
:thumbup: Do fit: 1) Weber Bulldog handle, 2) Tradere, 3) Ikon OSS , 4) UFO Kaiser, 5) Feather AS D1, 6) Gilette New Fat Handle, 7) Gillette Fat TEch Handle, 8) Parker 98R, ---
9) IKON Bulldog *( some say it dont fit), 10) UFO-Godzilla, 11) Edwin Jagger DE89, 12) Gillette 7'oclock (GB), 13) Gillette New OC LC ball end gold plated (GB), 14) Gillette New OC LC ball end Sheffield/Laurel (GB), 15) Gillette Old OC ball end silver plated (US), 16) Gillette Old OC short travel handle (US), 17) Gillette Tech fat handle (GB), 18) Gillette Tech slim handle (fat alike) (GB), 19) Gillette Tech straight aluminium, 20) IKon Bulldog handle -( fits, but loose until the final turn), 21) Lord L6 , 22) Mercur 985CL (2 piece travel handle), 23) Mühle R41 2011, 24) Tradere

:thumbdown Do not fit: 1) Mariner long handle, 2) R41 Grande handle, 3)Ikon Bulldog, 4) EJ DE89, 5) Gillette New OC LC ball end silver plated (GB), 6) Gillette Tech ball end aluminium, 7) Gillette Tech ball end brass/nickel, 8) Gillette Tech black bakelite ,

3) Fatip Grande Chrome :

:thumbup: Do fit: 1)Bob Razor Works Deluxe XL, 2) Weber Bulldog, 3) *Ikon Bulldog(some say it wont fit)*, 4) Tradere (many members say it fits), 6) UFO-Godzilla, 7) 7 oclock,
8) Gillette New OC, 9) LC ball end gold plated (GB), 10) Gillette Old OC ball end silver plated (US), 11) Gillette Old OC short travel handle (US), 12) Gillette Tech slim handle (fat alike) (GB),
13) Gillette Tech straight aluminium, 14) Lord L6 , 15) Mercur 985CL (2 piece travel handle), 16) Parker 98R, 17) BRW Bull Mastiff Deluxe - (Fits. Starts loose, but tightens up ), 18) 98R Heavy Duty Premium Barberpole,

:thumbdownDo not fit : Tradere Handle(on some, many do fit)
4) Fatip Grande Gold :

:thumbup: Do fit : 1) Feather AS, 2) BRW Bull Mastiff Deluxe / Fits. Starts loose, but tightens up sufficiently, 3)UFO-Godzilla,

************************************************** ************************************************** **********************************************

***Handle and FATIP Razor specs Section***:

Razor Specs:

1) Fatip Grande Nickel: Handle length 77 mm/ total length 85 mm/ WT 65 g/ ( Thread 4.35)
2) Fatip Piccolo :
Handle length 70 mm/ total length 79 mm/ WT 65 g/
3) Fatip Grande Chrome : Handle length 77 mm/ total length 85 mm/ WT 65 g/ ( Thread measure 4.38mm)-Screw: 4.36 MM width : 14.05mm length
4) Fatip Grande Gold : Handle length 77 mm/ total length 85 mm/ WT 65 g/


1) Tradere ( head 4.80, WT 66 gm)
2) Edwin Jagger DE89 ( threads 4.89mm)-
whole razor Weight = 76g
3) Gillette Fat Tech handle
4) Gillette New Comb-
Gillette Bar Handle/SC New =WT 20.4/ - Gillette Ball Handle /LC New = WT 24.7
5) Weber Bulldog (needs 2 extra turns for fit)
, 2.4 ounces / 3 inch long /
6) Weber Classic- wt 58 gms ........3-7/8" in length (9.8 cm)
6) Weber 'New' Classic -wt 76 gms
7) Ikon Bulldog,
8) Ikon OSS
[head 4.85- wt 100 gms - 95mm long - 12.25mm diameter] (works but is loose until the final turn) ,
9) UFO Kaiser (polished SS, 100mm lg, 13mm diameter, 91 grams wt)
10) Mariner long handle

11) R41 Grande handle ( whole razor WT 35.5)
12) Bob Razor Works Deluxe XL,
13) Feather AS. ( whole razor Wt 90 gms / 3 1/2 in long)
14) UFO-Godzilla (316L Stainless Steel. 85 mm long. 15/15 mm caliber. 103 gr weight.
Thread is M5x0.8.The neck ends to 8.5 mm)
15) UFO Goliath XL- 316L Stainless Steel. 100 mm long. 15/15 mm caliber. 123 gr weight./Red Bronze. 100 mm long. 15/15 mm caliber. ??? gr weight (pending)./Thread is M5x0.8. 16) Heavy Duty Premium Barber-pole handle (89 gm).
17) lord 16
18) LC ball end gold plated (GB)
Gillette Old OC ball end silver plated (US),
Gillette Old OC short travel handle (US),

Gillette Tech slim handle (fat alike) (GB),
Gillette Tech straight aluminium,
Mercur 985CL (2 piece travel handle),

Parker 98R ( 4" handle and weighs 3 oz. whole razor wt)

Parker 91r (handle length 99mm, weight 80g (head+handle)
Parker 48R (handle length 91 mm, weight 96g (head+handle)
26) BRW Bull Mastiff Deluxe XL- (93 grams/ 96mm long, 13mm diameter on the main handle and 15mm diameter on the magnetic knob on the end.)
27) UFO Goliath - 316L Stainless Steel. 85 mm long. 15/15 mm caliber./ 103 gr weight.Red Bronze. 85 mm long./ 15/15 mm caliber./ 115 gr weight/.Thread is M5x0.8

28) Gillette 7'oclock (GB)
29) Gillette New OC LC ball end gold plated (GB)

30) Gillette New OC LC ball end Sheffield/Laurel (GB)
31) Gillette Old OC ball end silver plated (US)
32) Gillette Old OC short travel handle (US)
33) Gillette Tech fat handle (GB)
34) Gillette Tech slim handle (fat alike) (GB)
35) Gillette Tech straight aluminium
36) iKon Bulldog handle
37) Lord L6
38) Mercur 985CL (2 piece travel handle)
39)Parker 98R Heavy Duty Premium Barberpole

I am really loving my Fatip - But I really dislike the tiny handle it comes with.

Is there a custom handle out there which would suit it fantastically? Something long, and heavy, with great grip.

Also would that handle be interchangeable with a Muhle R41?


UPDATE : Found this informative thread with a superior list: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showth...-thread-post-all-here!!?p=4401152#post4401152
Time to join the FaTip/Joris lovers gang

As recommended get yourself a 3rd party custom handle that is the length and weight you want.

OR get a Joris :smile:

I've been very happy with my Joris and the handle it came with (same head as a Fatip) but I am a big handle kind of guy.


What he said^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I have a FaTip Grande in Chrome that I've been using with a Durham handle. Durham handles are cheap since the razors use proprietary blades that are no longer made; so toss the razor head and use the handle. It's got good heft and nice knurling but is about the same length as the original Grand handle.
If you're looking for a long and heavy handle, the UFO Kaiser is a great choice - that's what I use on my own FaTip.

Now I just need to wait for a UFO to appear.

It's a great name for the handle, because they are rarely seen in person, but lots of photographs exist of them ;)
Weber Classic handle is long and hefty. Works beautifully with the Fatip, and will fit your R41 as well.

I don't have a pic of the Fatip/Classic, but here's the R41 with last year's version of the Classic handle. The current Classic is slightly thicker and heavier.


Here are the two Classic handles; current version is on the bottom.

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Weber - very easily obtained
- easily obtained as well and customizable

The Fatip is a wonderful razor ... but in my view shines better with a heavier handle.

Weber Wave-Fatip

UFO Zeus-Fatip aka Toro Bravo
View attachment 272887
Ian Tang (ACE SHAVING) on ebay sells a Frank Shaving razor that has a nice fat handle. I use it on my Lord 6, but do not know if it fits on the Fatip. If you contact Ian I am sure he will sell you just the handle. By the way- the head on this particular razor is pretty worthless- it is the handle you are after.
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