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Got My Order from Garry's Sample Shop! Which Should I Try First?

The little things in life can make me so very happy...

I received my first order from Garry's sample shop today.

I can't decide which one should I try first:

Castle Forbes Lime
Cella (from the Red Tub)
Crabtree & Evelyn West Indian Lime
DR. Harris Windsor
Musgo Real Lime Basil

Whichever cream gets the most votes in this thread is what I'll try with tomorrow afternoon's shave. That's B&B democracy in action.

CF Lime. I recently recieved samples from Gary as well. I started with CF Lime and have been thoroughly enjoying it, so you should too.
Looks like it's going to be the CF Lime today, the DR Harris tomorrow and then the Cella.

Still got a couple more hours until I'm planning to shave today, so I'll check back in case there are any more votes.

Uh oh, we appear to have a tie. Guess I'll be flipping a coin for today's shave unless a tie-breaking vote comes in soon.

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