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Heljestrand DE Razor Razor Silver Plated, Solid Leather Catcher. lots of pics :o)

I Aquired this nice set for pretty Cheap? I think $30 bucks Free Shipping :eek:) on Ebay
its had alot of Tarnishing but it Polished up nicely. Very interesting because it seems to be The Most Solid Lather Catcher Style SE Razor I own The handle is also a 2 piece as well, but Solid for sure.

Anyone know much about this Razor it Even Came with Strop attachment that slides Right into the bottom grove of the Handle. Pretty nice set if you ask me, I just dont know much about it, maybe you Experts on SE's Can Help.

Fire stone had one up a few weeks ago and it sold for $138.00 but it did come with an extra box of Blades here_-->http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dl...sspagename=STRK:MEWAX:IT&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc Which mine didnt come with the extra blades, Still i only got mine for 30 bucks :eek:)


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Not Really Sure Jake, as i dont know how to strop or hone These Razors :eek:/ More for Collecting then shaving with it, but i wouldnt mind giving it a shot :eek:)
Kanner's and Neverfail both made "autostrops" that will work with wedgies, and Magnus was offered as part of the Parisian/London 7 day set. All of these strop have two, two-finger, handles on either end. The blade is inserted into a triangular clamp, just below the anchor. As the handles are pulled, the blade is canted against the leather; reverse pull, the blade flaps to the other side. At least one of these is almost always on the bay.

With the dual blade set, with blade-holder handle, a Norton 4K/8K, and a piece of leather(or an actual strop:tongue_sm) or even newspaper on a perfectly flat surface is all that is needed. I would strongly recommend placing a strip(or two) of electrical tape along the spine of the blade holder, both to increase the honing angle, and to protect the blade holder. As with a straight, hold the blade flush to the hone, and "shave" the stone. On your strop, draw the handle so that the spine leads(i.e., you're dragging the edge backwards over the strop).

Unless something is out of place, you should be able to drop a Gem SE blade right in- they are awesome shavers!

I will also say, the honed wedges, subjectively, are equal to the modern SE, at least in my razor. If I weren't a knife nut, with a variety of hones already in hand, it would be well worth the $60 to Larry Andresson (whippeddog.com) for his sectioned Norton combo, were i going to keep up with the wedgies.

You picked up a beautiful specimen!
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I would compare this Lather Catcher to an Ever Ready Stream Line For its craftsmanship, Solidness, And its Plating, Which is silver and not chrome like the stream line. Feels like a little hammer, and i believe its so well made i can scoop up Frozen ICE CREAM with this set "not that i will" im not just saying this because i have this set i'm saying it because i have other Lather Catchers to compare it to. I'm going to take Rob72 advise and see if i can get a Gem blade in there, if it holds, its on Baby :eek:)
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Kanner's and Neverfail both made "autostrops" that will work with wedgies, and Magnus was offered as part of the Parisian/London 7 day set. All of these strop have two, two-finger, handles on either end. The blade is inserted into a triangular clamp, just below the anchor. As the handles are pulled, the blade is canted against the leather; reverse pull, the blade flaps to the other side. At least one of these is almost always on the bay.

With the dual blade set, with blade-holder handle, a Norton 4K/8K, and a piece of leather(or an actual strop:tongue_sm) or even newspaper on a perfectly flat surface is all that is needed. I would strongly recommend placing a strip(or two) of electrical tape along the spine of the blade holder, both to increase the honing angle, and to protect the blade holder. As with a straight, hold the blade flush to the hone, and "shave" the stone. On your strop, draw the handle so that the spine leads(i.e., you're dragging the edge backwards over the strop).

Unless something is out of place, you should be able to drop a Gem SE blade right in- they are awesome shavers!

I will also say, the honed wedges, subjectively, are equal to the modern SE, at least in my razor. If I weren't a knife nut, with a variety of hones already in hand, it would be well worth the $60 to Larry Andresson (whippeddog.com) for his sectioned Norton combo, were i going to keep up with the wedgies.

You picked up a beautiful specimen!
Thanks for all that info and i truly appreciate it alot but im still Lost when it comes to sharpening these blades or any blades. Pics or Video or Video link would be great. Good looking out Rob72 :eek:)
Fabulous looking razor. Great catch!!! I would be interested to hear how a modern blade works in this for you.
Ill Probably give it a go Next week sometime :eek:/ Im such a chicken when it comes to trying a Different Razor , But the courage will kick in soon Enough :eek:)
Sure is purdy! Love to find something like that in the wild. Nice score!
. Thanks, But i got this one by accident, seller sold me a broken Darwin the one that comes in a case and you have to strop it insde the case, as i shipped it back i looked at his other razors and there it was i emailed him and we agreed on a price of 30 and ge would refund me 20 since i paid him 50 bucks for the Darwin, I really didnt know what iw was getting . But glad i got it :eek:)
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