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First (non-cartridge) shave!

Hey guys,

My father really into using old style razors, and I figured I would give it a try. For my first shave he recommended I use his Gillette Tech fat handle, a boar hair brush (Omega), a Astra blade and Cella soap. I used some of his Proraso preshave cream right after a hot shower, and then lathered up. I was pretty surprised how good the brush felt on my skin. I didn't get a great lather, but I had no problems shaving with it. I did a three pass shaved and it felt really good. I thought there would be a lot more scraping than the cartridges I normally shave with but it felt tons better! Why did we ever switch?

I did get one weeper on a slighly ingrown hair but there was no pain and no razor burn. On the third pass I was already feeling more confident than when I started. When I finished, it was a lot smoother than the shave I'm used to, and my face was much less irritated. I did miss one spot on my neck and had to do some cleanup there, but otherwise no problems. I was supervised by my dad who has done it before and gave me tips, which really helped a lot. I'm hooked! My dad offered to give me some razors and brushes to get me started and then we can trade them in and out. I really like this fine shave!

The Nuclear Shaver
Very nice, you will find you will get more comfortable using these products by each passing shave. Wow your dad knows about Astra blades, Cella and Proraso creams/soaps. You sure he isn't a member here? lol
Thanks for the welcome guys! My dad is actually a member here! I think I'm going to borrow a Gillette fat boy, a 1912 Every-ready single edge, and a Gillette open comb (for down the road, probably), and some soap and blades. I will probably stick with the DE until I get really confident. This site is a really great resource with tons of great info! Thanks!
Shaving with your dad is a special moment.
Don't forget about him when you start getting AD's. I love swapping soaps, creams and brushes with my dad. I use him as an excuse when I order too much stuff. ; )
Very cool! My 9 year old was in the shower while I was shaving this morning. I handed him my loaded brush and then passed him my as yet untested EJ89L without a blade. He wanted a mirror! Got it love it! Pay it forward!
Very cool! My 9 year old was in the shower while I was shaving this morning. I handed him my loaded brush and then passed him my as yet untested EJ89L without a blade. He wanted a mirror! Got it love it! Pay it forward!

I did this with my 11 year old a couple weeks back because its getting closer to time to learn such things. I lathered him up and gave him an unbladed Flairtip SS. Instructed on good technique as he worked. He already loves Mitchell's Wool Fat.

Last week, my 8 year old urged me to go shave so he could shave also. Lathered him up, gave him an unbladed Tech and let him go. He was flinging lather everywhere and had the most serious look on his face. Gave him a dab of aftershave and he rubbed his cheeks til they were red. He loved the smell. He proclaimed that his face was smoother and his "zits" were gone because of shaving.

Dad/Son moments can be cool when we make them so.

To the OP, you have the chance for some cool Dad/Son moments yourself, hope y'all make the most of them.
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