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Brush Disaster RIP My Friend

This week I lost a lovely Morris & Forndran (top shelf on the left) brush the hard and ugly way. My housekeeper, in a convoluted chain of events worthy of "I Love Lucy" episode, accidentally flushed it down the toilet. The flag has been lowered to half mast, I'm wearing a black arm-band and will be saying Kaddish for the next year. I have plenty of brushes and many worth more, but this was one I can't replace as I could a Chubby 3. It had a special place in my rotation always teamed up with my Nancy Boy Cream. Heartbroken, just heartbroken. If someone could pm me Lee's email address it would be much appreciated.


My nephew dropped his iPhone down during a flush. He took the toilet up from the floor and it was in the trap....

It might be worth it for you to unmounted the toilet and see if you might be as lucky.

I am serious about this. He got it back and is still using it.
How did that happen??

First off she doesn't speak English and was crying hysterically when you told me the story, so my translation may not be perfect. She apparently knocked it off the shelf when she was cleaning and couldn't find it anywhere because, well, it was hiding in the john. She goes about her cleaning and does her "business" before leaving after writing out a note (a confession really) about the missing brush. She gets up hits the leaver and is shocked to watch my dearly departed M&F disappear from view.
Take the replacement funds out of her next check or fire her.

You should email Lee Sabini that story. I bet we will all hear the gut laughter all the way across the Atlantic.
I COMPLETELY agree with Turtle. It would be a tough match for that object to get through completely.


My nephew dropped his iPhone down during a flush. He took the toilet up from the floor and it was in the trap....

It might be worth it for you to unmounted the toilet and see if you might be as lucky.

I am serious about this. He got it back and is still using it.
After the maid did her "business" on it, I would just write it off as a loss, even if it is in the trap.
You still might want to make sure that it make its way all the way down the drain. Back in my 20's, I was living in an apartment and while changing the toilet paper, I dropped the TP holder right in the toilet as it was flushing. It disappeared and I didn't know anything about removing a toilet. I called the landlord and he had a maintenance guy stop by and remove the toilet. He was able to retrieve the holder before it stopped up the drain.
Really sorry to hear about your brush!
After the maid did her "business" on it, I would just write it off as a loss, even if it is in the trap.

Barbicide can kill anything... even maid poo..... I might give it more then the recommended 10 minutes though :scared:
You still might want to make sure that it make its way all the way down the drain. Back in my 20's, I was living in an apartment and while changing the toilet paper, I dropped the TP holder right in the toilet as it was flushing. It disappeared and I didn't know anything about removing a toilet. I called the landlord and he had a maintenance guy stop by and remove the toilet. He was able to retrieve the holder before it stopped up the drain.
Really sorry to hear about your brush!

Definitely want to get it out if it's stuck. It would really be icing on the disaster cake to have your toilet back up and overflow as a result.
Sorry to hear about your loss. I bet Arnold Schwarzenegger wishes all the maid did was flush his favorite brush!


My elbows leak
Staff member
Regardless of it's final fate, you don't want to leave it there and wait till it causes problems later.
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