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Lumiere Noire by MFK?

I like rose scents apparently as I own many of them all of a sudden (Windsor, Domenico Caraceni, Rose 31). I also recently got a decant of MFK APOM PH from Archfire, and though it isn't a rose I see that MFK also makes Lumiere Noire.

For a guy that loves Windsor, really likes DC1913, and thinks Rose 31 is only ok, where do you think I would stand with Lumiere Noire? I'm not looking for a rose scent just for the sake of a rose scent, but it gets good reviews and it seems MFK does some good work as evidenced by the APOM experience.
Lumiere Noire Pour Homme is on the Rose 31 side of Roses versus the darker 88 or DC1913. I go back and forth on 31 and LNPH as to which I like better, but personally I think they are both fantastic.
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