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I've been to London

Seen seven wonders.....

and this one was collected from the Post Office this morning.


She is currently undergoing a proper de-funking and depending on how that comes along will be used tomorrow morning or perhaps not until Sunday. The handle is very impressive- very much a no-nonsense shape in a similar vein to the Eagle.
Bloom photos and more thoughts will be added as we go along.....
Very nice brush. On a rather sick note, I was wondering if any of the high end brush shops got looted. I imagined someone walking off with maybe 50-100 brushes in a single haul., probably a bunch of razors too. I suppose next time I visit London, I will have to view the brushes through a wire grill in addition to be filmed everywhere I go.
Very nice brush. On a rather sick note, I was wondering if any of the high end brush shops got looted. I imagined someone walking off with maybe 50-100 brushes in a single haul., probably a bunch of razors too. I suppose next time I visit London, I will have to view the brushes through a wire grill in addition to be filmed everywhere I go.

Unlikley as most of the looters looked too young to shave. That coupled with the fact that they couldn't wear, eat, talk on, watch or listen to anything shaving related means that the brushes are almost certainly safe.
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