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Badger and Blade Ink ..... update post 382***

:a50:Think Ink For Pink!:a50:

Well IT's finally here!​

No, it's not BrianW doing the dance of the seven veils,:a30: We are pleased to announce the long anticipated B&B Ink!

The Ink is called 5 O'Clock Shadow
5O'CS is a deeply pigmented black with shadings of grey and green. This ink is entirely appropriate for business, yet has personality to it.
The ink is formulated by our friends at Noodlers and is near bullet proof, It comes in 3 oz bottles.

$badger LABEL.jpg

Here is what a some of our testers said about 5 O'clock Shadow:

I quite like the ink. It's close enough to a basic black to be useful and not too showy in business applications, but is just distinctive enough to stand out from the crowd. When applied with a nib on the wet and/or broad side, you get a line that dries to a nice moderately dark black with just a hint of green. For me, a finer nib and lighter touch allows some of the ink's greyer tones to shine through. I've enjoyed viewing this ink under different lighting conditions, as well, as the subtle shades of grey and green tend to show differently in different conditions, but never to the extent that the ink seems unusably colorful. I own colorful inks, but my workhorse inks are those that I can use for taking notes, drafting lectures, and so on -- this fits the bill beautifully as a workhorse ink, and one of distinction. I think it'll serve lots of our members well, both as a starter ink for folks new to the fountain pen game, and as a unique yet eminently useful addition to the collections of our members with several pens and inks in their collections.

B&B 5 O'clock Shadow, an elegant, dark gray-green, with gray predominant.

Depending in part upon the pen and the paper used, and the handwriting style/pressure, the ink may appear quite dark--close to black--with dark gray very predominant and green showing more in the shading. With different pens and paper, and different handwriting style/pressure, the ink appears lighter, with green coming through the gray more overtly.

Good saturation and shading in all cases. In other words, writing "looks" like it was done with a fountain pen.

Perfectly appropriate for business, but has personality or even "flair." The kind of ink that looks very conventional but will catch the reader's eye. Folks who have not made a study of inks may say, "I have no idea what it is about that ink, but it stands out from the page for some reason to me in a way I really like."

Folks who may have spent way too much of time trying to deconstruct and in overly-analyzing inks may think: "An ink that looks very traditional yet at the same time manages to stand out because of its inventive but subtle depth and complexity. What a beautiful marriage of gray and subtle green!"

"Now what I really love about this 5 O'cS ink is how viscuous and well behaved it is. It doesn't spread on my fingers as much as other inks. It was fairly easy to remove from under the fingernails, but it's near-bulletproof nature left a very nice pattern on my fingerprints.
The top of the coffee table looks much better with the swirls of grey and green, and the shadowing of the green really makes the wood pattern stand out.
The carpet actually looks so nice in that shade of grey that I am considering having the house recarpeted in that color. This will of course eliminate the problem of future spills.
The Label and artwork on the bottle is truly top notch. Even when completely covered with the ink from inside the bottle, the logo and pictures are still visible when held up to the light just right.
Overall, I'm very pleased with this ink, and when this supply is gone, I will be most anxious to get another bottle to spill."

A minimalist shaves with a cartridge and canned lather. They also use cheap, mass marketed, plastic ballpoint pens, because to them the art of writing, is much like the art of shaving; a lost art and something to be done as quickly as possible to get on to the next thing – that also must be done as quickly as possible.

We are not minimalists. We believe that there is pleasure inherent in doing a thing well, and to us the time spent in the eradication of whiskers represents quality time invested in personal grooming to look and feel our best for the rest of the day.

Similarly with Fountain Pens; one may use a mass marketed ball point to jot down things. Such an act is tedious, lacks character and uniqueness. By contrast, the act of using Fountains Pens, brings words to life, invests with the unique personality of the author, and flows easily from pen to paper.

What better way, then, to express your individuality than with an ink as unique as the Ladies & Gentlemen of Badger & Blade? Five O’Clock Shadow is just such an ink. It flows out of the paper a dark greenish/gray black; a color perfect for either professional or personal use, and dries quickly. This is an ink that tells the world the writer is focused, intense, determined; someone who does what is needed to ensure a high quality outcome is achieved each and every time. The ink shows differences in shading, from a dark black-green to a greenish-gray.

This is an ink that one can envision Thomas Jefferson using to draft the Declaration of Independence, or Lincoln using to draft the Gettysburg Address. It is not just beautiful, but also functional. It would be equally at home at a Law Office or writing a letter to a loved one. It is an ink for the ages, and will always attest to the high standards and class of the author.

The color, when photocopied or scanned , then magnified is rendered as a very striking dark gray, perfectly matching the color of Five O’Clock Shadow. This is one time you will be glad to have 5 O’Clock Shadow!

Scans of the ink are located HERE

Now we at B&B could just distribute this ink and we could all enjoy it, accept the many compliments it will no doubt engender, but hey, that's not how we roll here at the B&B...

That's right Badgers. When you think Ink. Think Pink. So, for every bottle sold of this phenomenal ink, a portion of the proceeds will go to the Susan G. Komen Foundation. We here at B&B continue our commitment to help find a cure for breast cancer in memory of one of our own, Sue Moore.

So don't miss out on a chance to let your Five O' Clock Shadow help the Susan G. Komen Foundation find the cure. And that's how we roll.

As a Convenience for our members who may not have a fountain pen yet, we have sourced a very nice pen to compliment this ink, the Platinum plaisir pen with converter for 20.50 with a B&B ink purchase. Order HERE

The group buy is now closed! Ink availability is limited to what is on hand at WCS. THANK YOU!

This ink is being crafted now, we are accepting orders HERE through our friends at West Coast Shaving. The cost is 12.50 per bottle.
We expect the ink to ship in 21 days to WCS for distribution.​
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Cool! First! haha

I would like to order, but can't add the pen to the cart.

Also, is shipping included in that price, or is WestCoastShaving handling all shipping, so shipping is normal...I'm fine paying for it, just want to know. Thanks!
Man, you guys are fast... The shipping is not included in the cost,the pen will be sorted out forthwith! Thanks for just a little more patience.
Man, you guys are fast... The shipping is not included in the cost,the pen will be sorted out forthwith! Thanks for just a little more patience.

Gotta keep you on your toes, Jim!

I will order a bottle and a pen, when I can add both to the cart...maybe I'll order something else while I'm there, too...I really want another new brush (don't I always, though?).
Another question, though I think I know the answer based on the price...does the pen have any B&B markings or anything? I'm guessing you would have mentioned it, but just a thought that popped into my head. :biggrin1:
I love that logo. The Platinum pen are also very nice for the price for anyone who doesn't have a pen yet. Needless to say, I ordered a couple bottles!
Another question, though I think I know the answer based on the price...does the pen have any B&B markings or anything? I'm guessing you would have mentioned it, but just a thought that popped into my head. :biggrin1:

No this is not a B&B branded item, we just wanted to provide a pen that, while a few steps above a starter pen, is still a lower cost option.
No this is not a B&B branded item, we just wanted to provide a pen that, while a few steps above a starter pen, is still a lower cost option.

OK, just checkin'. The Platinum Preppies and Plaisir are great inexpensive pens, for sure.

I like the M nib better than the F, too...The Medium is nice a smooth, the F is a little scratchy for me.

In for a pen, a bottle, and some other stuff while I was there.
Sorry gents. I forgot to flip the switch on the pen when we went live this morning. All should be ok now.
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