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Nostalgia for my early days of DE

July 2008 - thrilled to get cheap Bic throwaways for under a dime apiece...but then, after searching the web for a straight razor (but getting turned off by the strops and other accessories needed) A Slant caught my eye....even after dire warnings of "you'll get cut!":ohmy:, the order went out, along with one for a Parker 22R.
They arrived a day apart - some cuts, but I shaved on - and bought more razors (in those days, got a Fatboy, brush, and 18 stainless blades for $18 on the bay, and a nice Gillette ABC for $9!....stopped at around a dozen, but by the end of '09, RAD kicked in violently, in a wretched spiral. Seemed about any given day a razor was on its way:drool:

So I'm ultimately a "new timer" to the scene and have the great advantage of looking back at, and using, a century's worth of Safety Razor developments:001_smile
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